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OKI3ebe13s <br />(4) Increase the length of time for which a site plan is valid: a suggestion of two years <br />from when a site plan is approved. <br />(5) When an applicant requests an extension for site plan or preliminary plat approval, he <br />should not have to modify the plan to bring it up to current Code standards. The Group <br />thinks that is unreasonable. <br />Jeff Thompson, Small Business owner, described how they are affected by the road and <br />maintenance bond issues. He said after having a letter of credit in place for two years, they were <br />informed by their bank that they would not renew it because it was tied to land development. He <br />said lines of credit are not available to people and they do not have $71,000 to secure the last 12 <br />months of their Maintenance Bonds, and he was not sure what would happen to them if the <br />County could not provide some relief for them. He reiterated the need to spend money locally; <br />to hire locally* and for the municipalities to set precedent to hire certain percentages of local <br />people and to buy a certain percentage of their products, locally. <br />F. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS <br />"From the Jobseeker to the Employer" - Joe Coakley <br />Joe Coakley introduced his Branch Manager, Rhonda Blakely, and thanked <br />Commissioners Solari, O'Bryan and Wheeler for the Workshop opportunity. <br />Rhonda Blakely, PHR Branch Manager, applauded Commissioner Davis for reaching <br />out to small businesses. Explaining why Workforce Solution is different and better, she said <br />they are not government -run; they are a non-profit that is funded by government grants; and they <br />11 <br />February 5, 2009 <br />Economic Summit Workshop <br />IK 136 P6 731 <br />