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3' <br />take those monies and funnel it to businesses and job seekers in the County at no cost to the <br />employers or the job seekers. She gave the reasons for the name change of the organization; <br />described the nature of services provided to job seekers and employers, as well as, specialized <br />services offered to professionals, among which are: proactive action plans, networking <br />strategies, advanced resume writing, individual career coaching, interviewing and negotiating <br />techniques. <br />Ms. Blakely felt that their expertise in recruitment and strategic business management <br />has given them the understanding of what business is all about, and they want "to offer a robust <br />assistance to keep local businesses viable." <br />Members of the Indian River County Business Services Team are: PHR-Branch Manager <br />Rhonda Blakely, PHR-Business Services Consultant Marcello Dossantos, and Recruiter Joe <br />Coakley. <br />G. INDIAN RIVER STATE COLLEGE <br />"Creating the Future Today" - Dr. David Sullivan <br />Dr. Sullivan, representing Dr. Ed Massey, President of the College, gave an update of <br />how the College has been transitioning this past year; what they are doing now, and the trends <br />and directions they will be taking over the next five to ten years. They believe, as a partner in <br />economic development, education is the cornerstone of a sustainable economy. <br />Through a PowerPoint presentation, Dr Sullivan gave a brief history of the existence of <br />the College, its changes and advancements through the years, as well as, the composition, <br />number of campuses, contributions to the economy, and the variety of programs offered by the <br />12 <br />February 5, 2009 <br />Economic Summit Workshop <br />BK 1.36 PG 73.2- <br />