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CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: <br />Rezoning requests are reviewed for consistency with the policies of the comprehensive plan and <br />must also be consistent with the overall designation of land uses as depicted on the Future Land Use <br />Map. These include agricultural, residential, recreation conservation, and commercial and industrial <br />land uses Commercial and industrial land uses are located in nodes throughout the unincorporated <br />areas of Indian River County. <br />The goals, objectives and policies are the most important parts of the comprehensive plan. Policies <br />are statements in the plan which identify the actions which the county will take in order to direct the <br />community's development. As courses of action committed to by the County, policies provide the <br />basis for all County land development related decisions. While all comprehensive plan policies are <br />important, some have more applicability than others in reviewing rezoning requests. Of particular <br />applicability for this request are the following policies and objectives. <br />FUTURE LAND USE POLICY 1.21 states that the commercial/industrial land use designation <br />shall be applied to those areas which are suitable for urban scale development and intensities. Those <br />areas are limited to lands located within the urban service area and near existing urban centers. Since <br />the site is located on S.R 60 near the City of Vero Beach, is in an area of significant commercial <br />development, and has a Cif land use designation, the proposed rezoning is consistent with policy 2.1 <br />FUTURE LAND USE POLICY 4.1 states that land use districts shall be located in a manner, <br />which concentrates urban uses thereby discouraging sprawl. The subject rezoning is in an existing <br />commercial node along S.R. 60 where the land use plan proposes to concentrate urban uses, such <br />as those uses proposed with this application Redevelopment of the site (residential to commercial) <br />discourages sprawl by directing development to an existing, fonner residential site In essence, the <br />proposed rezoning facilitates commercial "in fill" development via redevelopment. Since the site <br />is located on S.R. 60 and the rezoning/redevelopment project proposes to concentrate urban uses, <br />the proposed rezoning is consistent with policy 4.1. <br />FUTURE LAND USE POLICY 5.4 encourages the use of the Planned Development (PD) overlay <br />district to provide design flexibility. The PD overlay zoning district provides the ability to allow for <br />a wide range of uses, while controlling site development and appearance. In this instance, some use <br />and design flexibility are needed for the proposed restaurant lay -out. Since the subject PD re -zoning <br />and plan incorporate PD overlay district design flexibility to provide for a specific site- appropriate <br />use with sufficient design controls, the proposed rezoning is consistent with Policy 5.4. <br />Based on the above referenced specific policies and the land use plan, it is staff's position that the <br />proposed PD zoning of the subject property is consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan. The <br />commercial redevelopment of this site will be in an urbanizing area, on an arterial roadway, and <br />served by public water and sewer services. <br />• COMPATIBILITY <br />Staff's position is that granting the request to rezone the property to the proposed PD district will <br />result in development which will be compatible with the surrounding areas. Since the properties to <br />the east and west are commercially zoned, the proposed development will be compatible with those <br />MARCH 12, 2002 <br />BR 121 PG 809 <br />-70- <br />