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Commissioner Macht expressed dissatisfaction with the quality and timing of the plan <br />and wanted to defer it for more comprehensive reading for inaccuracies and inconsistencies. <br />Assistant County Administrator Joe Baird introduced Mr. Nick Pellegrino from Cody <br />& Associates. <br />Nick Pellegrino, Senior Partner, Cody & Associates, stated that he was project <br />manager on this study. They met with all employees from cashiers to department heads and <br />supervisors. There is always dissatisfaction associated with these studies, especially in view <br />of the fact that such a study has not been made for many years in this county. The system <br />used has been accepted and upheld in courts and includes analysis of internal relationships, <br />the marketplace and benefits. They felt that the benefits offered were overall very fair and <br />competitive. Most of the recommendations for changes in pay relate to entry level and <br />maximums. There were also changes in the job titles in an attempt to be more descriptive <br />and to more closely reflect the general market. The firm will assist the county for one year <br />at no cost for any problems which might arise. <br />In response to Chairman Ginn's questioning regarding secretaries and staff assistants, <br />Mr. Pellegrino stated that "secretary' is an outdated term and the term "staff assistant" is an <br />attempt to consolidate many secretarial classifications. <br />Mr. Pellegrino continued that his firm performed about 30 such studies a year and has <br />worked with the Orange County Sheriffs Office, the Collier County School District, and <br />many cities, including the City of Winter Park. <br />Commissioner Macht questioned lumping librarians whose positions require degrees <br />with persons whose positions did not require a degree, and Mr. Pellegrino stated that these <br />positions were compared with other library systems where degrees are required. The same <br />is true with planners who are required to be degreed. <br />MARCH 13, 2001 <br />-33- <br />7} 3 7 <br />�� Pr' 4 <br />