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X <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Adams, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Stanbridge, the <br />Board unanimously authorized the solicitation of <br />bids from qualified contractors to construct the <br />proposed additions for the 2 libraries and agreed to <br />advance the funding to off -set the delay in the <br />receipt of the Ruth Hallstrom and Lewis Stanley <br />Whitaker bequests should the bids come in at or <br />under budget, as recommended by staff. <br />FC <br />A3 <br />The Board reviewed a Memorandum of March 8, 2001: <br />TO: Board of County Commissioners <br />THRU: James E. Chandler, County Administrator <br />FROM: Joseph A. Baird, Assistant County Administrator <br />i <br />DATE: March 8, 2001 <br />SUBJECT: Pay Plan and Position Classification Study <br />At the April 4, 2000 Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Board approved a <br />consulting agreement with Cody & Associates to perform a Pav Plan and Position Classification <br />Studv for Indian River County. The last time a consultant surveyed Indian River County's pay <br />plan and position classification was in 1988. During the 2000/01 budget workshops and hearings, <br />staff emphasized that the pay plan and position classification study was in progress and <br />implementation costs were not budgeted, therefore the costs would have to come from <br />contingencies or reserves or a combination of both. If the Board approves implementation of <br />the pay plan and position classification, staff recommends the least costly, Alternative A. <br />effective April 1. 2001, at a cost of 5213.388 for fiscal year 2000/01. <br />Cody and Associates will be present to address any questions. <br />MARCH 13, 2001 j IGN � 0 <br />-32- <br />