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.a,,, <br /> B. INDIANRIVER COUNTY <br /> Utilities Director Erik Olson advised that he was planning to talk with Mr . <br /> Martens . He also pointed out some of the differences between our two counties ' systems , <br /> particularly that Indian River County does not have mandatory pickup . Although the reports <br /> from our north county convenience stations indicated that Brevard residents are dropping off <br /> their trash , it could be just the perception that Brevard people are coming to our convenience <br /> stations . He specified that these convenience stations (Fellsmere and Sebastian) are small and <br /> are meant for household trash drops . He stated he would be getting together with Mr . Martens to <br /> find some commonalities , have discussions , and share the lessons learned post-hurricanes 2004 . <br /> 13 QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS <br /> There were no questions . Appreciation was expressed all around for the <br /> productive meeting . <br /> 14 . PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> There were no public comments . <br /> 15 . ADJOURN <br /> There was no further business ; on Motion duly made , seconded and carried , the <br /> meeting was adjourned at 4 : 30 p . m . <br /> AUGUST 24 , 2005 12 <br /> Joint Meeting with Brevard County Am <br />