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• • <br />17 nautical miles, was the most desirable. He described how the sand was vacuumed from <br />the ocean bottom, transported by Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company, Inc., and spread <br />upon the beach. He showed before and after photos of the newly -constructed beach and the <br />dune plantings of already well-established sea oaks. He reported there are over 800 sea <br />turtle nests on the new beach. They will continue to monitor the sea turtle nests and habitats. <br />The shoreline will be surveyed for the next 5 years to determine the performance of the new <br />beach. A 5.2 acre artificial reef (of quarried limestone) will be bid in October 2003 and <br />constructed offshore in 2004 for mitigation purposes. He summarized the following project <br />highlights: successful restoration of 2.6 miles of critically -eroding shoreline through <br />implementation of the County's first beach restoration project; payment for a volume of <br />536,505 cubic yards of sand; installation of 141,000 dune plants installed with no irrigation; <br />and no marine turtle nests requiring relocation. In closing, he acknowledged the many <br />contributors to this project. <br />In response to an inquiry, Dr. Gorham advised that the new beach did very well in its <br />first major stonii test (high surf and waves from Hurricane Isabel). He measured the beach <br />before and after and those measurements were within a couple of feet of each other. He <br />noted there were no escarpments and there was no significant erosion. He believed we have <br />a beach we can be very proud of (CLERK'S NOTE A copy of Dr. Gorham's visual <br />presentation has been filed with the backup of this meeting.) <br />The Commissioners congratulated Dr. Gorham on a job well done. <br />Ralph Sexton, 8005 37th Street, Chairman of the Beach and Shore Preservation <br />Committee, stressed how lucky we are to have Jonathan who did a wonderful job restoring <br />this beach. He said "at raise time, don't forget him". <br />September 23, 2003 <br />3 <br />-4R <br />I 3 <br />