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• • <br />plans may offer other possibilities, but she was looking at the total dollars. Some people, <br />such as firemen, can retire and get a second job. She wondered why we would carry their <br />insurance while they are on a second job. <br />Assistant Administrator Baird stated that firemen and other special risk employees <br />can retire after 25 years at 55 or 57. He noted that we do not subsidize employees unless <br />they work for Indian River County for a minimum of 8 years and Commissioner Adams <br />wants 10 years. In order to be eligible they must retire under the definition in our handbook. <br />There is no way of controlling the future work habits of anyone. After 25 years of service, <br />we are trying to be fair. A problem we are facing is that lower -paid employees either cannot <br />afford insurance or their whole pension is going to insurance and some cannot afford to <br />retire because of the costs of health insurance. This was brought forward at the Board's <br />request. <br />Assistant Administrator Baird responded to further questions of Vice Chairman Ginn <br />who felt that the Board needed to know more of the financial implications of this. <br />Commissioner Neuberger asked if Vice Chairman Ginn thought there should be a <br />"floor" on the age, for example from 62 to 65 because generally those who retire earlier <br />would be employed elsewhere. This was his reasoning when he asked this be brought back <br />to the Board (at the September 16th meeting). <br />Chairman Macht thought Commissioner Neuberger's suggestion would be fair to the <br />public and the retiree. <br />Assistant Administrator Baird believed the majority of those who retire are over 55. <br />We only have 18 who have single coverage who are under 65 and 18 who have dependent <br />coverage under 65 at this time. One of the problems at this time, under our rules, is that <br />when you retire from the County, you must make the choice at the time of retirement <br />whether you want to take the County's health insurance. They cannot come back later and <br />September 23, 2003 <br />35 <br />