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say they want to be on the County's health insurance. They cannot change their mind. <br />Vice Chairman Ginn understood that an employee could retire at 55, receive their <br />pension and $5 per month per year of service from the State to help with their insurance <br />costs. <br />Assistant Administrator Baird pointed out that a retired employee from Road and <br />Bridge could not afford to buy the health insurance. He felt if there was to be a floor age <br />that it should be at 55. He stated that he had put all the information in his memorandum. <br />Discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Neuberger offered an AMENDMENT TO HIS <br />MOTION to require 10 years of Service, with a floor of age 60 <br />to participate in this program, and Commissioner Lowther <br />reluctantly SECONDED the AMENDMENT.* <br />Under discussion, Chairman Macht thought that was workable. <br />Commissioner Lowther commented that all he had heard was "firefighter, firefighter" <br />and addressed a question to a Sheriff's deputy in the audience, who responded that he was <br />planning to retire next year after 30 years of service at age 57. Whereupon Commissioner <br />Lowther *WITHDREW HIS SECOND TO THE AMENDMENT. <br />County Attorney Collins specified that special -risk employees can retire at age 55, <br />or after 25 years of service regardless of age, or at age 52 with 25 years of service. <br />Chairman Macht suggested this matter be tabled for a few weeks in order to study the <br />full scope of this and all the various employees that are affected. <br />September 23, 2003 <br />36 <br />