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Young Song expressed her sincere appreciation for this opportunity. She introduced <br />her staff and gave a Power Point presentation and used other visuals to enhance her <br />presentation. She asked the members of the Space Needs Committee to stand up and she <br />noted that they are owed a lot for their contribution of time, energy and knowledge to this <br />effort. She has used the Committee's data and information and built on it. She specified <br />that the cooperation of staff has been incredible in the many meetings with them Because <br />technology is changing very rapidly, space needs have been coordinated with paper <br />management and work space. They have developed, among other details, standards for <br />space, flow charts, square foot area projections by department, support spaces such as <br />conference rooms which can also be used for training. Thirteen departments of the 14 were <br />included in the original space needs study and the 14th department, Recreation, was added <br />in their recent study Each department received questionnaires which were used in the <br />analysis prior to meetings with that department. Many department representatives showed <br />up with additional information and even layouts to make their jobs more efficient. The <br />support and help from the County's staff was incredible. Discussions at the meetings with <br />staff included sizes ofprivate offices and semi -private offices, work stations, work surfaces, <br />lobby spaces, details of how spaces were really used and anticipation of possible future <br />technologies. With regard to future technologies, she wished she had a crystal ball because <br />they are changing so fast As an example, she displayed the working documents, charts, and <br />future anticipated requirements (out to 2025) for the Board of County Commissioners' <br />offices. She reviewed information for overall numbers and spaces and explained the logic <br />used in future space requirements. The next step is the schematic design when they can <br />really work with staff to shape the spaces within the building and make changes that may <br />be necessary. <br />September 23, 2003 <br />40 <br />