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U <br />1 <br />LJ <br />0 <br />1] <br />1 <br />• <br />:3377 <br />i <br />TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1953 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, met at the <br />Court House in regular meeting at 9:00 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, September 1, 1953, with the <br />following members present! Commissioners W. C. Craves, Jr., Aubrey L. Waddell, J. J. P. <br />Hamilton, and Allison Warren. Absent was H. C. Watts. Also present were E. E. Carter, Road <br />& Bridge Superintendent, Sherman N. Smith, Jr., :attorney, L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff and Douglas <br />Baker, Clerk. <br />Minutes of July 24th special meeting were read and the same approved upon <br />Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried. <br />Minutes of the regular meeting of August 4th were read and corrected and approved <br />on Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Warren and carried. <br />Minutes of the regular adjourned meeting of August 12th were read and the same <br />approved upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Warren and carried. <br />Commissioner Waddell speaking for the lawn committee recommended that the <br />Board continue with Glenn C Mike's Landscaping Company for the care of the Couthouse lawn <br />and shrubbery. It was so moved by Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and <br />carried. <br />Mr. Peebles, District Forester from Lakeland, appeared before the Board and <br />presented Mr. Levine the new County Ranger. Mr. Peebles also submitted the annual report <br />covering the past years' activities to<jether with a financial report. <br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, was instructed -to file suit against Virgil <br />Smoak to vacate the Porhorsky dwelling. <br />The Board agreed upon a proposed new lease on the Winter Beach Bridgehead pro- <br />perty with Mr. N. V. Eve and public notice relating„+ to same was authorized to be published <br />as provided by law. <br />On Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner warren and carried, <br />tentative approval was Civen to Hillcrest memorial Cemetery Plat, Replat of Porpoise Point <br />Plat, and another plat of land described as 'N 750 ft. of the.E 20 A of Tract 16, Section 15, <br />Tnp 33, 391. <br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr., attorney received the opinion of the Attorney General <br />on the County Judge's fees which was ordered filed and shown in the minutes of the Board <br />which stated "Until such time as a -Court should determine to the contrary, I believe it <br />necessary for the Board of County Commissioners to budget the same estimatekto pa -y said fees." <br />subject to arrangements made with 4,udge Cobb . <br />It was ordered that copies of the proposed resolution of the County on the new <br />platting law as discussed, be prepared giving copies to those who are in the business of <br />platting and subdividing lands with the request that they attend a special meeting of the <br />Board to be held September 25th and to express their views to the Board at that time. <br />Notary Public Bond in the sum of $500.00 for M. Jayne mills with St. Paul <br />Mercury Indemnity Company as surety was approved August 26th by Douglas Baker, Clerk as pro- <br />vided by law. <br />Wars. Anne Christensen, County Welfare Case Worker appeared before the Board <br />and made a report of her activities for the Month of August and said report was ordered <br />filed. <br />On Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and <br />carried, Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney was instructed to prepare resolution relating to men <br />who would"not support their families, and copies sent to the County, Judge, Sheriff, Prosecuting <br />