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monthly to the County on the nitrogen load from each of the canals to the Lagoon. Mr. Falls <br />thereafter addressed the Board's questions. <br />No Board Action Required or Taken <br />12.J. UTILITIES SERVICES - NONE <br />13. COUNTY ATTORNEY MATTERS <br />13.A. DECLARATION OF FORMER COUNTY JAIL TOWER SITE AS SURPLUS <br />PROPERTY <br />Deputy County Attorney William DeBraal provided background and description on a <br />parcel of property located at 1725 17 h Avenue (the former County jail site) that has been leased <br />to two different entities, St. Francis Manor, and the Boys and Girls Club. He conveyed that the <br />portion of property containing a tower with cellular equipment was excluded from those leases, <br />and that although it was once used by the Emergency Services District (ESD) and other public <br />safety agencies, they have no further need of it, and maintenance has become expensive. He <br />added that there are existing easements that provide the lone tenant on the tower structure, <br />Verizon Wireless (f/k/a PrimeCo Personal Communications LP) with access to the site. After <br />providing further history and analysis, Attorney DeBraal asked whether the Board wished to <br />declare the former tower site surplus, and arrange for its sale. <br />Discussion ensued as the Board sought and received further information about available <br />access to the site, the revenue generated by the tower rental, whether minimum bids can be <br />required on surplus property, and the cost of maintenance and repair for the tower. <br />Vice Chairman Davis felt that it would be more beneficial for the County to enter into a <br />long-term lease for the site, rather than sell a piece of property encumbered by a County -owned <br />March 4, 2014 20 <br />