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parcel. He suggested that the lease expiration be made consistent with that of the Boys and Girls <br />Club, which was approved on August 12, 2008. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding possible rental prospects, the condition of the tower, <br />and the County's current liability for same. <br />Administrator Baird stated that although there are currently some maintenance issues <br />with the tower, it has not yet fallen into such disrepair that the County could declare it unfit for <br />service and terminate the lease with Verizon. <br />Director of Emergency Services John King provided a history of the tower and concluded <br />that it has reached the end of its life. He encouraged the Board to lease the site until a decision is <br />made about the future of the site. <br />Vice Chairman Davis suggested that staff inform individuals who have had prior interest <br />in tower sites, about the availability of the site for lease, and extract the County from this <br />liability. <br />Attorney DeBraal pointed out that the lease must be put out for a public bid. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Vice Chairman Davis <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Zorc, to issue a public bid <br />seeking a tenant to enter into a lease agreement with the <br />County for the tower site on the County's parcel at 1725 <br />17th Avenue, with the lease term to expire in conjunction <br />with the 50 -year lease between the County and the Boys <br />and Girls Club. <br />March 4, 2014 21 <br />