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committee for House Bill 1289; and (2) approved for the <br />County Attorney to proceed with the distribution of <br />Resolution 2014-005 and the letter to Speaker Will <br />Weatherford (both approved January 21, 2014). <br />Attorney Reingold noted that the proposed letter to Speaker Weatherford was to request <br />that he hold hearings on HB 1289; however, Ballard Partners has advised that it will be more <br />important to reach out to the referred committee chair to promote the hearings. <br />Commissioner Zorc disclosed that the Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) was <br />planning on going to Tallahassee to promote its views, and stressed the importance of County <br />representatives being there as well. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and the <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />13. C. RESOL UTIONELIMINATING RATE EQUALIZATION CHARGE IN NON - <br />UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />Attorney Reingold recalled that on February 18, 2014, the Board had voted four to one <br />(Commissioner O'Bryan opposed), to eliminate the 6% equalization charge (surcharge) that was <br />imposed through Resolution 1995-16, when the County took over the water and sewer utility <br />system for the City of Sebastian (the City). He stated that he was returning today for the Board's <br />consideration of a proposed Resolution to overturn the original resolution decision, and eliminate <br />the charge effective October 1, 2014. <br />Discussion ensued, with input from County Administrator Baird and Management and <br />Budget Director Jason Brown about the history of the surcharge; the bond issue that was used to <br />help finance the utility services to Sebastian; and why the fee revenues were allocated to the <br />General Fund. <br />March 4, 2014 23 <br />