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City of Fellsmere Manager Jason Nunemaker stated that utility taxes are an important <br />part of diversifying a municipality's revenue base. He observed that in the future there may be a <br />unified utilities system, and that the County might want to consider future franchise agreements <br />with various municipalities. <br />Reverend Mosley declared that the 6% fee should be preserved for fairness to all of the <br />County's utility rate payers. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and by a 4-1 <br />vote (Chairman O'Bryan opposed), the Motion carried. <br />14. COMMISSIONER ITEMS <br />14.A. COMMISSIONER PETER D. O'BRYAN, CHAIRMAN - NONE <br />14.B. COMMISSIONER WESLEY S. DAVIS, VICE CHAIRMAN- NONE <br />14. C. COMMISSIONER JOSEPH E. FLESCHER - NONE <br />14.D. COMMISSIONER BOB SOLARI - NONE <br />14.E. COMMISSIONER TIMZORC - NONE <br />15. SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND BOARDS <br />15.A. EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT - NONE <br />15.B. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT - NONE <br />March 4, 2014 25 <br />