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372 <br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were <br />examin,d and found core, -were approved and warrants =issued in settlement of same. Such <br />Bills nd accounts being tin; file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court the warrants <br />so iss'led from the respective funds being listed in the Supplemental Minute.Book, as provided <br />by the rules of the State auditor, reference to such record and thet.list so rgcordedoiing j <br />made a part of these minutes. l <br />i <br />�i <br />The County Depository filedits monthly statement, showing receipts and, dis- ii <br />bursements of the various funds, which have been audited, were found to be correct. <br />There being no further business, it was moved, seconded; and carried the the <br />Board adjourn until 9 o'clock A. M. on Friday, November 20th, 1953. Ij <br />_ c <br />CHAIMAN <br />ATTEST: `. <br />CLERK <br />)AY.' N-tXE <br />Bis <br />20,, <br />+ <br />4 <br />. at theT e.Boa.rd of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida,,., <br />Court Iouse in a regular adjourned meeting at 9:00 o'clock a. M., Friday, November 20, 19539 <br />with the foJ tiring members present: Commissioners 11. C. Graves, Jr.,; Chairman, Aubrey L. <br />iladdell, J. J. P. Hamilton, H. C. Watts, and Allison Warren. Also present were E. E Carter, <br />Road and Bridge Superintendent, Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, and Lather �e`Morriso'n <br />Deputy Clerk.w, j <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order and.announced the primary purpose of <br />this meeting was to discuss right-of-way matters on State Road No. 5. <br />j Mr. Bill goring of the firm of Merriman, Boring and Sutherland appeared before <br />the Bo!prd and presented two plats; of Emerson Park. one, the regular plat and the other a plat <br />i� <br />shotvin;{g drainage facilities, etc.; <br />Mr. Boring asked that the Board approve the plat and put up a Certified check <br />in the amount of $1,000.00, until a satisfactory Performance Bond in the amount of $1,000.00 <br />could be posted. <br />The Board asked vh'e.rman N. Smith, Jr., attorney to work out the details of <br />the performance Bond, and requested Douglas Baker, Clerk to hold the certified check for <br />$1,000,.00 until the Performance Bond is posted at which time he is to refund the certified <br />ii i <br />check'{to Mr. Boring. j <br />'i l <br />Upon Motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Watts and unani- <br />mously4carried, Plat of Emerson Park was approved. <br />!. {: <br />Notion was made by Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Warren and <br />P <br />carries, authorizing E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent to accept ortreject plats <br />for approval b Board and also the <br />pp y posting of a performance bond which would also be OK'ed <br />by Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney. <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />r� <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />