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A lengthy discussion/debate ensued regarding the suspension of Impact Fees, bringing <br />the fees back over a period of time, whether the suspension would encourage development, <br />financing mechanisms, Impact Fee studies, and consultant reports. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan opposed waiving the Impact Fees and pointed out that the new <br />Publix's decision to move forward was not based on Impact Fees, but on the County using the <br />transportation Impact Fees collected to open 53rd Street. He said the roads need to be built, <br />which means that the individuals who have lived in the County will have an increase in their <br />taxes. <br />Staff opposed suspending Impact Fees, and voiced concerns over funding County <br />improvements and road projects, as well as the existing property owners bearing the burden. <br />Charlie Wilson supported a two-year moratorium on Impact Fees, and felt Impact Fees <br />discourage new businesses. <br />Joseph Paladin, Black Swan Consulting, Developer and Builder advised against <br />suspending/eliminating Impact Fees, and voiced concerns that there would not be enough money <br />to finish the County's infrastructure, and without infrastructure, businesses will not come. He <br />believed that in the future, the Impact Fees would need to be increased to make up for the <br />moratonum, and requested that the Board Table this item. <br />At Commissioner Zorc's request, Administrator Baird said he would direct staff to <br />perform a study of the 67 Counties to see who is charging for Impact Fees, what they are <br />charging, and if they have financing options. <br />Scott Stradley, Economic Development Council (EDC) Representative, recommended <br />the Board consider making the Motion for a two-year moratorium. <br />May 21, 2013 16 <br />SK 143 PG 866 <br />