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14.E. COMMISSIONER TIMZORC NONE <br />14.E.1. CONSIDERATION OF COMMISSIONER ZORC'S PROPOSED ECONOMIC <br />DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES <br />This Item was moved from 12.A.1. <br />Commissioner Zorc used a PowerPoint presentation (on file) to outline his list of <br />economic development initiatives for the Board to consider. He categorized, spoke to the <br />benefits, and summarized the actions for each of the following initiatives: (1) establish a Foreign <br />Trade Zone area in the County; (2) expand the Enterprise Zone to add industrial areas; (3) join a <br />regional "open for business" program; (4) increase building height at SR60/I-95 (Industrial <br />Area); (5) increase commercial nodes along SR 60 (43`d Avenue to 74th Avenue); (6) modify <br />impact fees to add more commercial use categories and establish an Impact Fee Hearing Board; <br />(7) expand fiber optic and natural gas; (8) modify Economic Development Council (EDC) <br />membership composition; (9) expand the GoLine Bus System to serve businesses; (10) attract <br />businesses that are counter -cyclical to the citrus industry; (11) evaluate the function of the EDC; <br />and (12) evaluate opportunities to use the EB -5 (Immigrant Investor program). <br />Helene Caseltine, Economic Development Director for the Indian River County <br />Chamber of Commerce, and Enterprise Coordinator, explained the benefits for establishing a <br />Foreign Trade Zone designation, spoke about port custom facilities, radius requirements, and <br />Foreign Trade Zone law. <br />A lengthy discussion ensued as the Board discussed several aspects of the proposed <br />initiatives. <br />Scott Stradley, Economic Development Council (EDC) Representative, supported the <br />18 -month moratorium on Impact Fees, and said he was looking forward to seeing staff's report <br />on how the counties around us are doing their economic development. He also talked about the <br />Chamber of Commerce's budget and the monies that are raised through the Economic <br />May 21, 2013 18 <br />BM 143 PG 868 <br />