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that one year period, the entitlement to a refund, under our Code, is waived. Since no one filed <br />an application, and the funds are still sitting there, Asset Research and Recovery, Inc. would like <br />the Board to open a new refund application period so people can receive back those funds. <br />Attorney Polackwich stated that the current intended purpose of the funds in Fund 101 is <br />th <br />for an intersection expansion project at the intersection of 17Street and State Road AlA. He <br />specified that this project is located in the City, the County would pay for the project with the <br />impact fees from Fund 101, and based on Ordinance 99-14, the funds held in Fund 101 are <br />required to be spent on original TIF fee District 2. He suggested that if the Board wants to make <br />refunds, that it direct staff to analyze the issues thoroughly, clarify direction with the Attorney <br />General, and come up with proposals and alternatives. <br />Chairman Solari addressed the Fund 101 issue first, then the administrative issues of the <br />fee and notice. <br />Charlie Wilson, 1057 6th Avenue, Asset Research and Recovery, Inc., presented his <br />interpretation and offered suggestions on: (1) the impact fee refund; (2) the 17th Street <br />improvement project; (3) the separation of interest and principal of accounting; and (4) using an <br />accurate list for notice. <br />A brief discussion ensued regarding how the impact fee would be paid. <br />The Chairman called a break at 1:01 p. m., and reconvened the meeting at 2:1 S p. m. with <br />all members present except Commissioner Davis, who returned at 2:18 p.m. <br />(Clerk's Note: After reconvening, the Chairman announced that Item 13.A. would be <br />continued following Item 12.D.1.) <br />September 13, 2011 26 <br />