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Charlie Wilson briefly reviewed his comments from the morning session and pointed out <br />that since 400 to 600 people did not make application/claim for the refund, it should be obvious <br />that they did not know, which means the Statute of Limitations should have started when the <br />people and County were advised that the fund existed. He reiterated that Fund 101 should be <br />viewed separately from all other issues, stressed that refunding the money or expanding the 17th <br />Street project should not bean either/or decision. He requested the Board return the Fund 101 <br />money and establish a task force to oversee the refund process. <br />Commissioner Davis was concerned about a future refund procedure, and the issue of <br />who would be eligible to apply and receive the refunds. He wanted "unneeded" impact fees to <br />be refunded but was uncertain how it should be accomplished, and who should receive the <br />refunds. <br />Mr. Wilson provided recommendations. <br />Chairman Solari felt the refunds should go back to the people. He said if an orderly <br />refund mechanism could be established, he would vote for it. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan believed: (1) traffic counts should be reevaluated to see if the <br />demand is still there, (2) staff should obtain formal clarification from the City of Vero Beach as <br />to what they plan to do, (3) staff should follow Ordinance 1986-14 which states unused fees are <br />to be paid back with interest, and (4) the County Attorney should obtain an opinion from the <br />Florida Attorney General to reaffirm that the County falls within the Wildwood refund law <br />ruling. <br />Director Brown provided status on the current road projects and the committed funds <br />within the districts. <br />Vice Chairman Wheeler wanted to know where the County can legally use the money. <br />September 13, 2011 27 <br />PG 388 <br />