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Attorney Polackwich clarified that the code is written so that the money can only be used <br />in TIF District 2, from Beachland Boulevard south to the County line. He disclosed that if the <br />money could be used legally for "truly needed projects" then he favored doing so; otherwise, he <br />would prefer to see the money refunded back to the people. He suggested that in moving <br />Forward, a new software be devised to track impact fees. <br />Administrator Baird suggested obtaining a letter from the City of Vero Beach with their <br />anticipation of the 17th Street project, the cost involved, and whether there are other projected <br />improvements. <br />Ms. Robertson pointed out that about 600 property owners are eligible for the refund, <br />and that once a policy decision is made to refund the money, the current property owners could <br />be easily defined; however, the accrued interest may take some work. She voiced concern with <br />how the current property owners would be noticed after six years, since the notice had not been <br />adopted. <br />Tim Zorc, 7658 S. Polo Grounds Lane, cautioned that should the City want to improve <br />the entire 17th Street intersection, keep in mind that the current ordinance reads that only the pro <br />rata percentage of increased capacity can be spent. <br />The following Motion was in reference to Fund 101 issues: <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Vice Chairman Wheeler, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, to direct staff to: <br />(1) contact the City of Vero Beach to see if there is a City <br />project that the money is eligible for; (2) decide whether <br />the money is to be refunded; and (3) contact the Florida <br />Attorney General for legal guidance. <br />September 13, 2011 28 <br />