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e-mail , fax, or hand- carry information to the Sheriff' s Office regarding each regulated metal he <br /> purchased . <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the records for regulated metals and the inconvenience of <br /> mailing checks . <br /> Richard Hutton , 1975 SW 1 " Place SW, did not think the proposed ordinance would <br /> affect the honest man, only the criminal . <br /> Chris Lange , Mr . Scrap , Inc . , 4455 45th Street, stated that the majority of secondary <br /> recyclers do not condone stealing, and that most have been victims at their own facilities . He <br /> described his operation and noted that everything is electronic, with cameras , thumb prints , and <br /> driver ' s license swiping . He applauded the County for their efforts , but believed that if too many <br /> restrictions are put on thieves , they simply go to another County . He emphasized that one cannot <br /> stop a thief with more regulations , but rather investigations , and catching them in the act . <br /> Keith Tagg, Mr. Scrapp , Inc . , conveyed that his business does not purchase man-hole <br /> covers , electric light poles , guard rails , street signs , funeral markers , or suspicious items . He <br /> clarified his business process and procedures , and described recent incidents that occurred at his <br /> salvage yard. His main concern, at this time , was the proposed requirement of mailing checks to <br /> the customer for regulated metals , which has already been documented, and would create one <br /> more piece of documentation, that he believes is over regulating . <br /> Vice Chairman Wheeler reiterated that the ordinance would not be adopted today, but <br /> rather refined for the Public Hearing . He did not believe that mailing the check for regulated <br /> metals would accomplish anything since the information will have already been documented , <br /> along with scanned driver ' s licenses , videos , and thumb prints . <br /> noun 141 PG 31 9 <br /> September 6 , 2011 25 <br />