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Pursuant to the. foregoing Notice, the Board convened as an equalization Board <br />and no one appearing as to assessed values, upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded <br />by Commissioner Waddell and carried, the equalization meeting was adjourned until 9:00 o'clock <br />A. M. Monday, July 26, 1954. <br />The Board then reconvened in regular session. <br />A letter was received from E. E. Carter, Road & Bridge Superintendent, dated <br />July 22, 1954 advising the Board as follows: <br />"Under date, of June 21, 1954, the firm of Kuster & Kuster filed with your <br />Board a certified check in escrow for $650.00 to guarantee the completion <br />of street clearing & etc in Gifford School Park Subdivison as filed in <br />plat book 3 page 53. <br />This is to advise that all work has been completed satisfactorily, in this <br />subdivison and the above mentioned certified check may be returned." <br />Thereupon on Motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Watts and unanimously <br />carried, Douglas Baker, Clerk was authorized to return said check. <br />Mr. Donald MacDonald of Roseland presented a petition to the Board signed by Mr. and <br />0 Mrs. William Maulbetsch together with 99 additional signatures of residents and taxpayers <br />of the northern part of Indian River County, endorsing the location by the Board of County <br />Commissioners of the new right-Rf-way for U. S. No. 1 north of the City of Sebastian as being <br />the most practical from an engineering and safety standpoint and the most economical from the <br />standpoint of all the taxpayers of Indian River County and respectfully urging that the project <br />be pushed to completion at the earliest practical date with the understanding that the petition <br />is not to be considered as taking any side with respect to the location of the dew highway <br />within the town limits of the City of Sebastian. Said petition was considered and ordered <br />filed with the Clerk. <br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr. and Commissioner Allison Warren, who were appointed as a com- <br />mittee to obtain information as to the cost of purchasing and maintaining radio equipment for <br />the sheriff's office and information as to the rental cost of automobile radios from the <br />Southern Bell Telephone Company, advised the Board there was not sufficient information <br />available at the present time to take immediate action in 1954-1955 budget, and that the matter <br />would be temporarily -passed. <br />RESOLUTIQA --- Building Setback Lines <br />aG, , .6 1'zz, <br />Commissioner Watts introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption, <br />as follows, to -wit: <br />WHEREAS, House Bill No. 477 adopted at the 1953 Session of the Florida Legis- <br />lature, authorized the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, to adopt, <br />regulations prescribing building setback lines from any `road, street or highway existing and <br />proposed; Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, that pursuant to the authority of said law, said Board does herewith adopt said <br />building setback line as follows, to -wit: <br />1. On State Road 5 (U. S. Highway No. 1) from the intersection of said road <br />with the South line of Section 28, Township 31 South, Range 39 East, to a point on said road <br />in Section 8, Township 31 South, Range;39 East, which is 177.33 feet Northerly from the South <br />boundary of said -Section 8, all in Indian River County, Florida, no building or structure shall <br />be erected or maintained and no building permit shall issue for the construction of any build- <br />