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RESOLUTION NO. 2009- 014 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING A JOINT <br />PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM <br />ENHANCEMENTS. <br />WHEREAS, it is a policy of the State of Florida to construct and make improvements to the <br />state transportation system in a cooperative partnership; and <br />WHEREAS, such partnership shall be encouraged through the joint funding of projects that <br />improve traffic flow and traffic safety on the State Highway System; and <br />WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Indian River <br />County are desirous of making certain enhancements to the operation of the computerized traffic <br />control signals at intersections on the State Roadway System within the County; and <br />WHEREAS, the joint participation agreement will provide funding for increased staffing to <br />enhance the operation of the County's computerized traffic signal system and funding to obtain, <br />install and maintain the system and communication hardware and software needed to maintain and <br />optimize the operation and efficiency of the existing computerized traffic signal system; and <br />WHEREAS, the traffic signal system enhancements joint participation agreement is <br />identified as: <br />State FM No. 228613-2-54-01 <br />FEID No. VF 596-000-679 <br />Contract No. AF -996 <br />F:\Traffic\Maya\BCC AGENDA ITEMS - RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTION\resolution jpa traffic signal system enhancements Feb 2009.doC <br />