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RESOLUTION NO. 2009- 014 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: <br />1. The above recitals are ratified in their entirety; and <br />2. The Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida is <br />hereby authorized to execute the aforementioned joint participation agreement with the <br />FDOT; and <br />3. The County shall maintain and operate the traffic signal system; and <br />4. The FDOT shall fund the project cost, as detailed in the aforementioned joint <br />participation agreement; and <br />5. The Indian River County Traffic Engineer shall prepare, on a monthly basis, an invoice to <br />submit to the FDOT for compensation. <br />The resolution was moved to adoption by Commissioner 0' Bryan and the <br />motion was seconded by Commissioner Fl escher , and, upon being put to a vote, the <br />vote was as follows: <br />Chairman Wesley S. Davis AYE <br />Vice -Chairman Joseph E. Flescher AYE <br />Commissioner Gary C. Wheeler AYE <br />Commissioner Peter D. O'Bryan AYE <br />Commissioner Bob Solari AYE <br />F:\Traffic\Maya\BCC AGENDA ITEMS - RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTION\resolution jpa traffic signal system enhancements Feb 2009.doc <br />