<br />Voting Place, Oslo Packing House. Clerk, B. T. Redstone, Inspectors: Roy Seavey, Harry H.
<br />Martindale, Mrs. M. Seavey,
<br />Notary Public Bond for C. A. Routh in the sum of $500.00 with'Massachusetts
<br />Bonding and Insurance Company as surety was approved by Douglas Baker, Clerk of,Circuit Court
<br />as provided by law.
<br />Notary Public Bond for Alfred M. Scattergood, Jr. in the sum of $500.00 with
<br />St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Company as surety was approved by Douglas Baker, Clerk of Circuit
<br />Court, as provided by law.
<br />There being no further business, on Motion made, seconded and carried, the
<br />Board then adjourned.
<br />ATTEST:
<br />Clerk
<br />TUESDAY, JANUARY 4. 1955
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Courthouse
<br />at Vero Beach, Indian River County, in a regular meeting at 9:.00 o'clock A. M., Tuesday,
<br />January 4, 1955, with the following members present: Commissioners W. C. Graves, Jr., Chair-
<br />man, Aubrey L. Waddell, J. J. P, Hamilton, H. C. Watts, and e4llison Warren. Also present,
<br />were E. E. Carter, Road & Bridge Superintendent, Douglas Baker, Clerk, S. N. Smith, Jr.,
<br />Attorney, and Sam Joyce, Sheriff.
<br />Minutes of December 7th were read and approved upon Motion of Commissioner
<br />Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Warren and carried.
<br />Minutes of December 21st were read and approved upon Notion of Commissioner
<br />Waddell, seconded by.Commissioner Watts and carried.
<br />All old business having been taken care of, Chairman Graves then turned the
<br />meeting over to Attorney S. N. Smith, Jr., who asked for nominations for Chairman.
<br />W. C. Graves, Jr. was nominated for Chairman by Commissioner Waddell, Comm-
<br />issioner Warren then moved that nominations be closed and a unanimous ba.l.lot was cast for
<br />W. C. Graves, ar,.as chairman for the ensuing year, which was duly seconded.and carried.
<br />Chairman Graves then took over the chair, and the next order of business was
<br />to elect a Chairman pro -tem. Upon Notion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner
<br />Watts, and unanimously carried, Aubrey L. Waddell was elected to serve as Chairman pro -tea
<br />for the ensuing year.
<br />Upon Motion of Commissioner Warren, seconded by Commissioner Waddell, and
<br />unanimously carried, all other county officials and employees were re-employed.
<br />Hon. R. A. Gray, Secretary of State, on December 280 1954,, advised as follows:
<br />"The Republican ,State Executive Committee has to day filed with me Certificate
<br />