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PROJECT DESCRIPTION : <br /> Objectives : <br /> 1 . To educate the Indian River County citrus growers about water quality issues, the role of <br /> BMPs in improving water quality, and BMP implementation. <br /> 2 . To increase the acreage of citrus under BMP implementation in Indian River County . <br /> 3 . To provide technical and financial assistance to Indian River County growers for the <br /> implementation of BMPS . <br /> 4 . To reduce the potential for pollutants from citrus groves entering the IRL and USJR <br /> watersheds . <br /> Scope of Work : <br /> In an effort to reach Indian River County citrus growers in a timely manner, the opportunity for <br /> cost sharing will be advertised through a variety of methods (newsletters, web sites, newspaper <br /> articles, phone calls, etc . ) . Interested growers will meet with the Water Quality Extension Agent <br /> to receive a copy of the BMP Manual, view a BMP video , and discuss the importance of BMPs <br /> in affecting water quality improvements in the Indian River Lagoon and Upper St. Johns <br /> Watersheds . <br /> Growers who choose to participate in this Indian River Area Water Quality/Quantity Protection <br /> Program must submit an application to the IRSWCD . IRSWCD will then assist each applicant in <br /> conducting a "self assessment" for each grove that is included in the cost share application. This <br /> assessment will utilize the Grower Best Management Practices Checklist. <br /> Once the appropriate practices have been identified for each grove, the IRSWCD will identify <br /> those practices that are eligible for cost share in the Applicants Handbook. The Applicant <br /> Handbooks establishes the percentage of cost-share funding available for each eligible practice . <br /> The applicant is responsible for the remainder of the cost . There is a $ 50, 000 maximum in <br /> program funds available per applicant per year. <br /> Each applicant will provide preliminary designs prepared by one or more of the following : a <br /> private contractor, the MRCS , or the IRSWCD . The applicant will solicit cost estimates for the <br /> preliminary designs and submit them with the designs to the IRSWCD for review and approval . <br /> The IRSWCD will present a list of qualifying projects to the Indian River Board of County <br /> Commissioners (Board) . <br /> Once approved by the Board, the grower must agree to follow an approved Operation and <br /> Maintenance Platt for the life span of the practices . This plan will describe the procedures <br /> necessary to properly operate and maintain each BMP . At this point the grower will receive <br /> 2 <br /> 03 /05/02 <br />