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approval to install the practices according to approved designs . The BMP installation must meet <br /> all design criteria before it can be certified as complete by IRSWCD/NRCS staff. Routine <br /> consultation with NRCS/IRSWCD staff throughout the installation process is advised . <br /> Once installation is complete the grower shall provide the IRSWCD all of the appropriate <br /> documentation . The IRSWCD will then submit all of the documentation to the Board for <br /> authorization of reimbursement to the grower. <br /> The IRSWCD will provide FDACS with quarterly reports . These reports will include : a <br /> summary of all work accomplished, the number of acres enrolled in each practice, the amount of <br /> program funds distributed to date, a summary of the amount of program funds used as non- <br /> federal match, the amount of federal matching funds applied to this program through USDA <br /> conservation programs, and all of the invoices supporting the distribution of program funds . <br /> PROGRAM FUNDING PRIORITIES : <br /> Project funds for each year will be distributed to applicants based upon the Environmental <br /> Benefits Index (EBI) ranking delineated below . <br /> Environmental Benefit Index <br /> BMP POINTS <br /> 1 . On-site Water Detention/Retention 100 each <br /> 2 . Conversion or Repair of Flashboard Riser Water Control Structure 25 each <br /> 3 . Precision Application Equipment 20 each <br /> 4 . Portable Agrichemical Mixing Station 20 each <br /> 5 . Chemigation Infrastructure 20 each <br /> 6 . Aquatic Weed Barrier 10 each <br /> 7 . Permanent Agrichemical Washdown Station 10 each <br /> 8 . Water Table Observation Well 5 each <br /> 9 . Grade Stabilization Structure 5 each <br /> 10 . Conversion to Microirrigation 1 point per acre <br /> DELIVERABLES : <br /> 1 . Quarterly reports as described above will be provided to the FDACS Project Manager in <br /> hard copy and electronic format . <br /> 2 . A detailed Final Annual Report will be provided to the FDACS Project Manager in hard <br /> copy and electronic format . This report will consist of a detailed summary of the <br /> information included in the quarterly reports and an assessment of the overall success of <br /> the program. <br /> 03 /05/02 <br />