Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Warren and carried.
<br />Upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner. Watts and
<br />carried, the Board tabled the matter regarding the expense of operating the police radio
<br />equipment for the City and County.
<br />It wast moved by Commissioner Warren, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and,
<br />carried, that Representative Shemman N. Smith, Jr, be advised that the Board of County
<br />Commissioners have no objection to paying their pro -rata share.of the proposed relief bill for
<br />Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector, if such act is passed, however the Beard being the minority
<br />contributor if such act is passed, the Board does not wish to make any recommendation con-
<br />cerning the passage of such act.
<br />Upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Watts.and
<br />carried, it was moved that the legislative delegation representing Indian River County
<br />introduce in the current session of the legislature appropriate legislation to accomplish
<br />an increase in the salary of the Circuit Judge of Division C to the extent of $500.00 per
<br />annum to be contributed by Indian River County Florida; provided however, that the present
<br />salary of this office is not increased by General legislative appropriation in the current
<br />session,.and provided further, that Martin County and Okeechobee County introduce similar
<br />legislation accomplishing a minimum contribution from each of these counties in the amount
<br />of $500.00 annum; and providing further, that St. Lucie County inteoduce similar legis-
<br />lation accomplishing a minimum contribution from St. Lucie County in the amount of at least
<br />$1,000,00 per annum.
<br />1
<br />0
<br />1
<br />Attorney George Heath was instructed to prepare letters to Representative .
<br />Sherman N. ,Smith, Jr. relating to the above matters.
<br />Dr. Miller and Alice Helleso, from the County Health Unit, appeared before the
<br />Board and stated their program seemed to be going along satisfactorily and wondered if the
<br />Commissioners had any questions or comments, There were none. Dr. Miller.advised the Board
<br />that Gene Haddkh, Sanitation Officer, leaves in July or August to attend Medical school.
<br />It was moved by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Warren and
<br />carried, that Troy E. Moody, tax collector, be authorized to purchase a safe not to exceed
<br />$500.00, and that E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent is to work with Troy Moody
<br />'J
<br />regarding the purchase and installation of the safe.
<br />Rudy Hubbard, insurance agent, appeared before the Board and submitted an
<br />estimated annual premium of $1,801.71 for the county's workmen's compensation insurance as
<br />comparedl%e an estimated annual premium of $2,106.72 from the Moore Insurance Agency, who now
<br />handles this insurance. Mr. Hubbard stated that in addition to the apparent savings of
<br />$305.01, there would be a refund made to the county depending upon the loss ratio at the end
<br />of each audit period. However, the Board agreed to carry on the present workmen's compensation
<br />1
<br />i�
<br />0
<br />5. 1955
<br />The Board•of County Commissioners of
<br />Indian River County
<br />met at the Courthouse
<br />at Vero Beach, Indian Raver County, in a regular meeting
<br />at 9:00 o'clock
<br />A. M., Tuesday,
<br />A Aril 5, 1955, with the following members present:
<br />Commissioners W. C.
<br />Graves, Jr., Chair-
<br />man, J. J. P. Hamilton, H. C. Watts, Aubrey Waddell
<br />and Allison Warren.
<br />Also,present were
<br />E. E. Carter, Road 6 Bridge Superintendent, George
<br />Heath, Attorney, Sam
<br />T. Joyce, Sheriff
<br />and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />Minutes of March 1st meeting were read
<br />and the same approved
<br />upon Motion of
<br />Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Warren and carried.
<br />Upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner. Watts and
<br />carried, the Board tabled the matter regarding the expense of operating the police radio
<br />equipment for the City and County.
<br />It wast moved by Commissioner Warren, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and,
<br />carried, that Representative Shemman N. Smith, Jr, be advised that the Board of County
<br />Commissioners have no objection to paying their pro -rata share.of the proposed relief bill for
<br />Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector, if such act is passed, however the Beard being the minority
<br />contributor if such act is passed, the Board does not wish to make any recommendation con-
<br />cerning the passage of such act.
<br />Upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Watts.and
<br />carried, it was moved that the legislative delegation representing Indian River County
<br />introduce in the current session of the legislature appropriate legislation to accomplish
<br />an increase in the salary of the Circuit Judge of Division C to the extent of $500.00 per
<br />annum to be contributed by Indian River County Florida; provided however, that the present
<br />salary of this office is not increased by General legislative appropriation in the current
<br />session,.and provided further, that Martin County and Okeechobee County introduce similar
<br />legislation accomplishing a minimum contribution from each of these counties in the amount
<br />of $500.00 annum; and providing further, that St. Lucie County inteoduce similar legis-
<br />lation accomplishing a minimum contribution from St. Lucie County in the amount of at least
<br />$1,000,00 per annum.
<br />1
<br />0
<br />1
<br />Attorney George Heath was instructed to prepare letters to Representative .
<br />Sherman N. ,Smith, Jr. relating to the above matters.
<br />Dr. Miller and Alice Helleso, from the County Health Unit, appeared before the
<br />Board and stated their program seemed to be going along satisfactorily and wondered if the
<br />Commissioners had any questions or comments, There were none. Dr. Miller.advised the Board
<br />that Gene Haddkh, Sanitation Officer, leaves in July or August to attend Medical school.
<br />It was moved by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Warren and
<br />carried, that Troy E. Moody, tax collector, be authorized to purchase a safe not to exceed
<br />$500.00, and that E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent is to work with Troy Moody
<br />'J
<br />regarding the purchase and installation of the safe.
<br />Rudy Hubbard, insurance agent, appeared before the Board and submitted an
<br />estimated annual premium of $1,801.71 for the county's workmen's compensation insurance as
<br />comparedl%e an estimated annual premium of $2,106.72 from the Moore Insurance Agency, who now
<br />handles this insurance. Mr. Hubbard stated that in addition to the apparent savings of
<br />$305.01, there would be a refund made to the county depending upon the loss ratio at the end
<br />of each audit period. However, the Board agreed to carry on the present workmen's compensation
<br />1
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<br />