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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:40:05 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 4:51:39 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Commissioner Waddell brought up the matter of closing the Courthouse on <br />Saturday afternoons and after considerable discussion in the matter the Board, not wishing <br />to take any action one way or another, left it up to the several county officials to determine <br />whether or not their offices would close on Saturday afternoons. <br />Messrs. Zeuch and Medlin appeared before the Board and inquired as to whether <br />or not $15,000.00 would be appropriated in the 1955-56 budget for the Indian River Memorial <br />Hospital, and they were advised by the Board that it would be. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Warren and <br />carried, the Board approved the application of Robert 11. Jennings as County Sanitarian at <br />such time as Gene Hadd h resigns for the purpose of attending Medical school. <br />Jim Kressler representing the Vero Beach Chamber of Commerce advertising <br />program appeared before the Board and requested $19000.00 for advertising and publicity <br />purposes for the Chamber of Commerce, said amount to be included in the 1955-56 budget. The <br />B oard advised Mr. Kressler that consideration would be given his request at such time as the <br />budget for the ensuing year was prepared. <br />Mrs. Anne Christensen, County Welfare Case Worker appeared before the Board <br />and made a report of her activities for the month: of May, said report was ordered filed with <br />the Clerk. <br />Upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and <br />carried, E. E. Carter, Road & Bridge Superintendent was authorized to advertise for bids on <br />a new dump truck, said bids to be returnable July 5th. <br />The Indian River Citrus Bank, Vero Beach, Florida, having filed proper <br />application, requested to be named and designated County Depository for the year 1955-1956* <br />and upon Motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried, it <br />was ordered such Bank be designated as the County Depository for the following funds: <br />GENERAL REVENUE FUND COURT HOUSE BONDS SINKING FUND <br />ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND <br />FINE & FORFEITURE FUND <br />The Depository bond set at the sum of $275,000.00 to consist only of U. S. Bonds and securities. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Watts, seconded by Commissioner Warren and <br />carried, E. E. Carter, Road & Bridge Superintendent was instructed to purchase steel and cement <br />for another county bridge. . <br />E. E. Carter stated that an approach to U. S. 41 was badly needed on East <br />Glendale Road and that in order to do so the Board would have to require right-of-way between <br />the Old Dix'eHighway and U. S. 81. The Board agreed that this should be done and authorized <br />Mr. Carter to order a title search on same. <br />Commissioners Warren, Hamilton and Graves, Superintendent Carter, Senator <br />Barber and Representative Smith, were appointed a super -highway or toll road committeefor <br />Indian River County and the Board authorized $200.00 expense money for this purpose. <br />Commissioner Waddell, E. E. Carter, Road & Bridge Superintendent and Clerk <br />Baker were selected a committee to have the floors in the Courthouse fixed. <br />/ Commissioner Waddell was authorized to attend a Director's meeting of the <br />k_'State Association of County Commissioners to be held at the Floridian Hotel in Tamp, Florida <br />on June 10th. A report on legislative road and bridge and Railroad litigation matters were <br />to be made. Upon motion of Commissioner Warren and seconded by Commissioner Watts and carried <br />the Board agreed that his expenses were to be paid by the County. <br />1 <br />
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