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ARTICLE 8 = WORK RULES <br /> Section 1 : Employees shall be required to observe, comply and administer departmental <br /> rules and regulations governing employment, as set forth in any departmental procedures <br /> and such special and general orders and written communications now existing or which <br /> may hereafter be promulgated, which are not in conflict with this Agreement. Bargaining <br /> unit employees shall receive a written copy of any newly created rule or regulation. <br /> Section 2 : The Rules and Regulations as written, or as may be amended at the discretion <br /> of the County, are not subject to the grievance procedure contained in this Agreement. <br /> ARTICLE 9 — WORKERS ' COMPENSATION=SUPPLEMENTAL <br /> Section 1 : Disability leave with pay shall be provided by the County on the following <br /> basis : <br /> a) The disability resulted from an injury or an illness sustained directly in the <br /> performance of the employee's work, as provided in the State Workers' Compensation <br /> Act. <br /> b) If incapacitated for the employee's regular position, the employee may be <br /> given other duties with the Department for the period of recuperation, provided the <br /> employee's medical condition permits. Unwillingness to accept such an assignment as <br /> directed by the EMS Chief will make the employee ineligible for disability leave during <br /> the time involved. <br /> C) A physician selected by the County may be used to determine the physical <br /> ability of the employee to continue on disability leave or to return to work. <br /> d) Except as may be modified by Section 2, if the disability leave is <br /> approved, the first seven days of the leave (3 . 5 shifts for shift employees) will be charged <br /> to the employee ' s medical leave, then the annual leave account. After the first seven <br /> days (3 . 5 shifts for shift employees), the employee will be entitled to normal Workers' <br /> Compensation benefits with any accrued medical or annual leave the employee may <br /> have. In no case shall the employee ' s total compensation from county pay and Workers ' <br /> Compensation exceed the employee ' s normal compensation. <br /> e) No new medical leave shall be accumulated during the period an <br /> employee is off the job due to injury or illness from combat. <br /> Section 2 : In the event of a combat injury, generally defined as occurring from the point <br /> of alarm to the return to station, an employee will be paid an amount equal to the <br /> employee's normal earnings by use of District funds or a combination of District funds <br /> and Workers' Compensation without charge to the employee's medical or annual leave . <br /> 3 <br />