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Department of Housing and Urban Development
2007 Shelter Plus Care Agreement Rental Assistance
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( 2 ) A review of the decision , in which the ( i ) The Indian Civil Rights Act ( 25 U . S . C . 1301 <br /> participant is given the opportunity to present et seq . ) applies to tribes when they exercise their <br /> written or oral objections before a person other powers of self- government, and to IRAs when <br /> than the person (or a subordinate of that person ) established by the exercise of such powers . <br /> who made or approved the termination decision ; When an IHA is established under State law , the <br /> and applicability of the Indian Civil Rights Act will be <br /> ( 3 ) Prompt written notice of the final decision determined on a case - by-case basis . Projects <br /> to the participant . subject to the Indian Civil Rights Act must be <br /> developed and operated in compliance with its <br /> Sec. 582. 325 Outreach activities. provisions and all implementing HUD <br /> Recipients must use their best efforts to requirements, instead of title VI and the Fair <br /> ensure that eligible hard -to- reach persons are Housing Act and their implementing regulations . <br /> served by S + C . Recipients are expected to make ( ii ) [ Reserved ] <br /> sustained efforts to engage eligible persons so ( c) Affirmative outreach . ( 1 ) If the procedures <br /> that they may be brought into the program . that the recipient intends to use to make known <br /> eligible persons who have a nighttime residence <br /> Outreach should primarily directed toward the availability of the program are unlikely to <br /> that is an emergency shelter or a public or reach persons of any particular race, color, <br /> private place not designed for, or ordinarily used religion , sex, age, national origin , familial status, <br /> as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human or handicap who may qualify for assistance, the <br /> g . , persons living in cars ,, streets, and <br /> beings recipient must establish additional procedures <br /> that will ensure that interested persons can <br /> supportive service , and the value of such <br /> parks Outreach activities are considered to be a obtain information concerning the assistance . <br /> activities that occur after the execution of the ( 2 ) The recipient must adopt procedures to <br /> grant agreement may be included in meeting the make available information on the existence and <br /> matching requirement . locations of facilities and services that are <br /> Sec. 582. 330 Nondiscrimination and equal accessible to persons with a handicap and <br /> opportunity requirements . maintain evidence of implementation of the <br /> procedures . <br /> (a ) General . Recipients may establish a ( d ) The accessibility requirements, reasonable <br /> preference as part of their admissions procedures modification , and accommodation requirements <br /> for one more of the statutorily targeted of the Fair Housing Act and of section 504 of the <br /> substance abusers, or persons with AIDS and <br /> populations usseriously mentally ill , alcohol or Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , as amended . <br /> e <br /> related diseases ) . However, other eligible [ 58 FR 13892 , Mar . 15 , 1993 , as amended at 61 <br /> disabled homeless persons must be considered FR 5210 , Feb . 9 , 1996 ] <br /> for housing designed for the target population Sec. 582 . 335 Displacement, relocation, and <br /> unless the recipient can demonstrate that there is <br /> sufficient demand by the target population for the real property acquisition . <br /> units, and other eligible disabled homeless (a ) Minimizing displacement . Consistent with <br /> persons would not benefit from the primary the other goals and objectives of this part, <br /> supportive services provided . recipients must assure that they have taken all <br /> ( b ) Compliance with requirements . ( 1 ) In reasonable steps to minimize the displacement of <br /> addition to the nondiscrimination and equal persons ( families, individuals, businesses, <br /> opportunity requirements set forth in 24 CFR part nonprofit organizations , and farms ) as a result of <br /> 5 , recipients serving a designated population of supportive housing assisted under this part . <br /> homeless persons must, within the designated ( b ) Relocation assistance for displaced <br /> population , comply with the prohibitions against persons . A displaced person ( defined in <br /> discrimination against handicapped individuals paragraph ( f) of this section ) must be provided <br /> under section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of relocation assistance at the levels described in , <br /> 1973 ( 29 U . S . C . 794) and implementing and in accordance with , the requirements of the <br /> regulations at 41 CFR chapter 60 - 741 . Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property <br /> ( 2 ) The nondiscrimination and equal Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 ( URA) (42 U . S . C . <br /> opportunity requirements set forth at part 5 of 4601 -4655 ) and implementing regulations at 49 <br /> this title are modified as follows : CFR part 24 . <br /> 9 <br />
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