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Department of Housing and Urban Development
2007 Shelter Plus Care Agreement Rental Assistance
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(Approved by the Office of Management and ( b ) Calculating income . ( 1 ) Income of <br /> Budget under control number 2506- 0118 ) participants must be calculated in accordance <br /> [ 58 FR 13892 , Mar. 15 , 1993 , as amended at 61 with 24 CFR 5 . 609 and 24 CFR 5 . 611 (a ) . <br /> FR 51171 , Sept. 30, 1996 ] ( 2 ) Recipients must examine a participant's <br /> Sec. 582. 305 Housing quality standards; income initially, and at least annually thereafter, <br /> rent reasonableness , to determine the amount of rent payable by the <br /> participant . Adjustments to a participant' s rental <br /> (a ) Housing quality standards . Housing payment must be made as necessary . <br /> assisted under this part must meet the applicable ( 3 ) As a condition of participation in the <br /> housing quality standards ( HQS ) under Sec . program , each participant must agree to supply <br /> of this i of this title- -except that Sec . part 3 , _ the information or documentation necessary to <br /> of this title does not apply and instead part d , verify the participant's income . Participants must <br /> subparts r e K and R of this title apply- -and , for provide the recipient information at any time <br /> SRO under Sec . ill be provided <br /> of this title . Before regarding changes in income or other <br /> any assistance will be provided on behalf of a circumstances that may result in changes to a <br /> participant, the recipient, (o another entity acting participant's rental payment . <br /> on behalf of the recipient (other than the owner <br /> of the housing ) , must physically inspect each unit [ 66 FR 6225 , Jan . 19 , 20011 <br /> to assure that the unit meets the HQS . Sec. 582. 315 Occupancy agreements. <br /> Assistance will not be provided for units that fail <br /> to meet the HQS , unless the owner corrects any ( a ) Initial occupancy agreement . Participants <br /> deficiencies within 30 days from the date of the must enter into an occupancy agreement for a <br /> lease agreement and the recipient verifies that all term of at least one month . The occupancy <br /> deficiencies have been corrected . Recipients must agreement must be automatically renewable <br /> also inspect all units at least annually during the upon expiration , except on prior notice by either <br /> grant period to ensure that the units continue to party . <br /> meet the HQS . ( b) Terms of agreement . In addition to <br /> ( b) Rent reasonableness . HUD will only standard lease provisions, the occupancy <br /> provide assistance for a unit for which the rent is agreement may also include a provision requiring <br /> reasonable . For TRA, PRA, and SRA, it is the the participant to take part in the supportive <br /> responsibility of the recipient to determine services provided through the program as a <br /> whether the rent charged for the unit receiving condition of continued occupancy . <br /> rental assistance is reasonable in relation to rents Sec. 582. 320 Termination of assistance to <br /> being charged for comparable unassisted units, participants. <br /> taking into account the location , size , type , <br /> quality, amenities, facilities, and management ( a ) Termination of assistance . The recipient <br /> and maintenance of each unit, as well as not in may terminate assistance to a participant who <br /> excess of rents currently being charged by the violates program requirements or conditions of <br /> same owner for comparable unassisted units . For occupancy . Recipients must exercise judgment <br /> SRO, rents are calculated in accordance with 24 and examine all extenuating circumstances in <br /> CFR 882 . 805 (g ) . determining when violations are serious enough <br /> [ 58 FR 13892 , Mar. 15 , 1993 , as amended at 61 to warrant termination , so that a participant ' s <br /> FR 51171 , Sept . 30 , 1996 ; 64 FR 50226, Sept . assistance is terminated only in the most severe <br /> 15 , 19991 cases . Recipients are not prohibited from <br /> resuming assistance to a participant whose <br /> Sec. 582 . 310 Resident rent. assistance has been terminated . <br /> ( a ) Amount of rent. Each participant must pay ( b ) Due process . In terminating assistance to <br /> rent in accordance with section 3 (a ) ( 1 ) of the a participant, the recipient must provide a formal <br /> U . S . Housing Act of 1937 (42 U . S . C . process that recognizes the rights of individuals <br /> 1437a ( a ) ( 1 ) ) , except that in determining the rent receiving assistance to due process of law . This <br /> of a person occupying an intermediate care process, at a minimum , must consist of: <br /> facility assisted under title XIX of the Social ( 1 ) Written notice to the participant containing <br /> Security Act, the gross income of this person is <br /> the same as if the person were being assisted a clear statement of the reasons for termination ; <br /> under title XVI of the Social Security Act . <br /> 8 <br />
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