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persons must be very low income, except that (A) Self-care ; <br /> low- income individuals may be assisted under the ( g) Receptive and expressive language ; <br /> SRO component in accordance with 24 CFR <br /> 813 . 105 ( b) . ( C) Learning ; <br /> Homeless or homeless individual has the ( D ) Mobility ; <br /> meaning given in section 103 of the McKinney Act <br /> (42 U . S . C . 11302) . ( E ) Self-direction ; <br /> Indian tribe has the meaning given in section ( F) Capacity for independent living ; and <br /> 102 of the Housing and Community Development ( G ) Economic self- sufficiency ; and <br /> Act of 1974 (42 U . S . C . 5302 ) . <br /> (v) Reflects the person 's need for a <br /> Low- income means an annual income not in combination and sequence of special , <br /> excess of 80 percent of the median income for interdisciplinary, or generic care , treatment, or <br /> the area , as determined by HUD . HUD may other services which are of lifelong or extended <br /> establish income limits higher or lower than 80 duration and are individually planned and <br /> percent of the median income for the area on the coordinated . <br /> basis of its finding that such variations are ( 3 ) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions <br /> f <br /> necessary because of the prevailing levels of this definition , the term person with disabilities <br /> construction costs or unusually high or low family <br /> incomes. includes, except in the case of the SRO <br /> component, two or more persons with disabilities <br /> Nonprofit organization has the meaning given living together, one or more such persons living <br /> in section 104 of the Cranston - Gonzalez National with another person who is determined to be <br /> Affordable Housing Act (42 U . S . C . 12704) . The important to their care or well - being , and the <br /> term nonprofit organization also includes a surviving member or members of any household <br /> community mental health center established as a described in the first sentence of this definition <br /> public nonprofit organization . who were living , in a unit assisted under this <br /> Participant means an eligible person who has part, with the deceased member of the household <br /> been selected to participate in S + C . at the time of his or her death . ( In any event, <br /> with respect to the surviving member or <br /> Person with disabilities means a household members of a household , the right to rental <br /> composed of one or more persons at least one of assistance under this part will terminate at the <br /> whom is an adult who has a disability . end of the grant period under which the deceased <br /> ( 1 ) A person shall be considered to have a member was a participant . ) <br /> disability if such person has a physical , mental , Recipient means an applicant approved to <br /> or emotional impairment which is expected to be receive a S + C grant. <br /> of long -continued and indefinite duration ; Seriously mentally ill has the meaning given in <br /> substantially impedes his or her ability to live 462 of the McKinney Act (42 U . S . C . <br /> section independently ; and is of such a nature that such 1 secoon . <br /> ability could be improved by more suitable <br /> housing conditions . Single room occupancy (SRO ) housing means <br /> (2 ) A person will also be considered to have a a unit for occupancy by one person , which need <br /> disability if he or she has a developmental not but may contain food preparation or sanitary <br /> disability, which is a severe, chronic disability facilities , or both . <br /> that- - <br /> Sponsor means a nonprofit organization which <br /> ( i ) Is attributable to a mental or physical owns or leases dwelling units and has contracts <br /> impairment or combination of mental and with a recipient to make such units available to <br /> physical impairments ; eligible homeless persons and receives rental <br /> ( ii ) Is manifested before the person attains assistance payments under the SRA component . <br /> age 22 ; State has the meaning given in section 462 of <br /> the McKinney Act (42 U . S . C . 11403g ) . <br /> ( iii ) Is likely to continue indefinitely ; Supportive service provider, or service <br /> ( iv) Results in substantial functional limitations provider, means a person or organization licensed <br /> in three or more of the following areas of major or otherwise qualified to provide supportive <br /> life activity : services, either for profit or not for profit . <br /> 2 <br />