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7/23/2015 8:51:22 AM
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1 <br />I. <br />1 <br />4 <br />September 1927, with instructions to view and mark out the best route for a public road, <br />described in the petition as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the intersection of the <br />Section line between :sections Thirty (30) and Thirty-one (31) Township. Thirty-three <br />(33) 'South, Range Forty (40) East, with the present Dixie Highway (old road) thence <br />along said 'Section line between Sections Thirty (3{) and Thirty-one (31) Township <br />Thirty-three (33) South, Range Forty (40) East, in an easterly direction to the point <br />of intersection with the new State road now under construction. The distance being <br />about Five hundred feet (500), beg leave to report to your honors as follows: That we, <br />after first having subscribed to the oath required by law before entering on our duties <br />make this our general report: <br />That we proceeded to the said proposed location of the said public road upon <br />the 27th day of September 1927, and viewed and marked out the following as the best <br />route for said proposed road. (Said road is to be Fifty (50) feet wide. <br />Beginning at the intersection of the* Section line between 'Sections Thirty <br />(30) and Thirty-one (31) Tomehip Thirty-three (33) South, Range Forty (40) East, and <br />the Dixie Highway. Thence East along said Section line to its intersection with the <br />East right-of-way line of State Road No. Four (4) Project 691. <br />Therefore, having performed the duties required by law under the appointment of <br />your honors, we pray to be discharged. <br />A. S. Davis <br />Axel Hal 1 st rom <br />D.L.Leisher. <br />It was ordered that the said report be accepted, and filed, and advertisement <br />given for 30 days, as required by law and if no protest is entered some will be declared <br />a Public County Road, <br />ROAD COMITTEE MORT . <br />We, the undersigned Committee appointed by Honorable body on the September 6919279 <br />with instructions to view and mark out the best route for a public road, described in <br />the petition as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the S.V.corner of :Sec. 22 T 32 S.R.39 <br />East, thence Worth on Sec. line between Sec. 22 and 21; 16 and 15 and Sections 10 and 9 <br />to .South quay Road; 2* miles more or less. Said road to be 50 ft. wide; 25 fte on each <br />side of Section line, beg leave to report to your honors as follows: That we, after <br />first having subscribed to the oath required by law before entering on our duties make <br />this our general. reports That we proceeded to the said proposed location of the said <br />Public road upon the 24th day of September 19279 and viewed and marked out the following <br />as the best route for said proposed road. (Said road is to be Fifty (50) feet wide) <br />Commencing at the South -gest corner of . Section 22 Township 32 South, Range <br />39 East, thence north along the section line to the South-east corner of the North-east <br />quarter of Section Nine (9) Township 32 :South, Range 39 East. <br />The refore # having p erformed the duties required by law under the appointment of <br />your honors, we pray to be discharged. <br />E . C .Talke r, <br />Paul H'Nisle <br />D.L.Leishe r. <br />It vas ordered that said report be accepted, and filed, and advertisement given <br />for 30 days, as required by law and if no protest is entered same will be declared a <br />Public County Road. <br />The Tax to .Assessor having completed the tax roll f or the year 1927, and <br />having extended out the various taxes to be collected for the State, County and various <br />special taxing Districts throughout the County, and tame having axomdr been carefully <br />examined, was accepted by the Board. The Assessor ,of Taxes then annexed his warrant <br />
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