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§ 582. 115 24 CFR Ch. V (4-1 -06 Edition) <br /> amount of rental assistance provided zation's religious character or affili- <br /> that participant, nor does the value ation. <br /> have to be equal to the amount of rent- (2) Organizations that are directly <br /> al assistance on a year-to-year basis. funded under the S+C program may not <br /> (c) Calculating the value of supportive engage in inherently religious activi- <br /> services. In calculating the amount of ties, such as worship, religious instruc- <br /> the matching supportive services, ap- tion, or proselytization as part of the <br /> plicants may count: programs or services funded under this <br /> (1) Salaries paid to staff of the recipi- part. If an organization conducts such <br /> ent to provide supportive services to activities, the activities must be of- <br /> S+C participants; fered separately, in time or location, <br /> (2) The value of supportive services from the programs or services funded <br /> provided by other persons or organiza- under this part, and participation must <br /> tions to S+C participants; be voluntary for the beneficiaries of <br /> (3) The value of time and services the HUD-funded programs or services. <br /> contributed by volunteers at the rate (3) A religious organization that par- <br /> of $10.00 an hour, except for donated ticipates in the S+C program will re- <br /> professional services which may be tain its independence from Federal, <br /> counted at the customary charge for State, and local governments, and may <br /> the service provided (professional serv- continue to carry out its mission, in- <br /> ices are services ordinarily performed cluding the definition, practice and ex- <br /> by donors for payment, such as the pression of its religious beliefs, pro- <br /> services of health professionals, that vided that it does not use direct S+C <br /> are equivalent to the services they pro- funds to support any inherently reli- <br /> vide in their occupations); gious activities, such as worship, reli- <br /> (4) The value of any lease on a build- gious instruction, or proselytization. <br /> ing used for the provision of supportive Among other things, faith-based orga- <br /> services, provided the value included in nizations may use space in their facili- <br /> the match is no more than the prorated ties to provide S+C-funded services, <br /> share used for the program; and without removing religious art, icons, <br /> (5) The cost of outreach activities, as scriptures, or other religious symbols. <br /> described in § 582.325(a) of this part. In addition, an S+C-funded religious or- <br /> ganization retains its authority over <br /> its internal governance, and it may re- <br /> (a) Current occupants. Current occu- tain religious terms in its organiza- <br /> pants of the real property are not eligi- tion's name, select its board members <br /> ble for assistance under this part. How- on a religious basis, and include reli- <br /> ever, as described in § 582.335, persons gious references in its organization's <br /> displaced as a direct result of acquisi- mission statements and other gov- <br /> tion, rehabilitation, or demolition for a erring documents. <br /> project under the S+C program are eli- (4) An organization that participates <br /> gible for and must be provided reloca- in the S+C program shall not, in pro- <br /> tion assistance at Uniform Relocation viding program assistance, discrimi- <br /> Act levels. nate against a program beneficiary or <br /> (b) Amount of assistance provided with- prospective program beneficiary on the <br /> in a jurisdiction. HUD will limit the basis of religion or religious belief. <br /> amount of assistance provided within (5) If a State or local government vol- <br /> the jurisdiction of any one unit of local untarily contributes its own funds to <br /> government to no more than 10 percent supplement federally funded activities, <br /> of the amount available. the State or local government has the <br /> (c) Faith-based activities. (1) Organiza- - option to segregate the Federal funds <br /> tions that are religious or faith-based or commingle them. However, if the <br /> are eligible, on the same basis as any funds are commingled, this section ap- <br /> other organization, to participate in plies to all of the commingled funds. <br /> the S+C program. Neither the Federal (d) Maintenance of effort. No assist- <br /> government nor a State or local gov- ance received under this part (or any <br /> ernment receiving funds under S+C State or local government funds used <br /> programs shall discriminate against an to supplement this assistance) may be <br /> organization on the basis of the organi- used to replace funds provided under <br /> 242 <br />