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Ofc. of Asst. Secy., Comm. Planning, Develop., HUD § 582. 110 <br /> (b) Amount of the grant. The amount periods of inpatient care, not to exceed <br /> of the grant is based on the number 90 days for each occurrence. <br /> and size of units proposed by the appli- (e) Administrative costs. (1) Up to eight <br /> cant to be assisted over the grant pe- percent of the grant amount may be <br /> riod. The grant amount is calculated used to pay the costs of administering <br /> by multiplying the number of units the housing assistance. Recipients may <br /> proposed times the applicable Fair contract with another entity approved <br /> Market Rent (FMR) of each unit times byt= to administer the housing as- <br /> the term of the grant. sistance. <br /> (c) Payment of grant. (1) The grant (2) Eligible administrative activities <br /> amount will be reserved for rental as- include processing rental payments to <br /> sistance over the grant period. An ap- landlords, examining participant in- <br /> plicant's grant request is an estimate come and family composition, pro- <br /> of the amount needed for rental assist- viding housing information and assist- <br /> ance. Recipients will make draws from ance, inspecting units for compliance <br /> the reserved amount to pay the actual ceivwith housing quality standards, and partici- <br /> costs of rental assistance for program pants.g into the program new partici- <br /> participants. For TRA, on demonstra- pants. This administrative allowance <br /> tion of need, up to 25 percent of the does not include the cost of admin- <br /> tion <br /> rental assistance awarded may be grant (e the supportive services or the <br /> spent in any one of the five years, or a grant , re costa r preparing the ed by <br /> higher percentage if approved by HUD, cation, reports or audits required by <br /> HUD), which are not eligible activities <br /> where the applicant provides evidence under a S+C grant. <br /> satisfactory to HUD that it is finan- (f) Property damage. Recipients may <br /> cially committed to providing the use grant funds in an amount up to one <br /> housing assistance described in the ap- month's rent to pay for any damage to <br /> plication for the full five-year period. housing due to the action of a partici- <br /> (2) A recipient must serve at least as pant. <br /> many participants as shown in its ap- <br /> plication. Where the grant amount re- [58 FR 13892, Mar. 15, 1993, as amended at 61 <br /> served for rental assistance Over the FR 51170, Sept. 30, 19961 <br /> grant period exceeds the amount that § 582.110 Matching requirements. <br /> will be needed to pay the actual costs (a) Matching rental assistance with <br /> of rental assistance, due to such factor supportive services. To qualify for rental <br /> as contract rents being lower than assistance grants, an applicant must <br /> FMRs and participants are being able certify that it will provide or ensure <br /> to pay a portion of the rent, recipients the provision of supportive services, in- <br /> may use the remaining funds for the cluding funding the services itself if <br /> costs of administering the housing as- the planned resources do not become <br /> sistance, as described in paragraph (e) available for any reason, appropriate to <br /> of this section, for damage to property, the needs of the population being <br /> as described in paragraph (f) of this served and at least equal in value to <br /> section, for covering the costs of rent the aggregate amount of rental assist- <br /> increases, or for serving a great num- ance funded by HUD. The supportive <br /> ber of participants. services may be newly created for the <br /> (d) Vacancies. (1) If a unit assisted program or already in operation, and <br /> under this part is vacated before the may be provided or funded by other <br /> expiration of the occupancy agreement Federal, State, local, or private pro- <br /> described in § 582.315 of this part, the grams. Only services that are provided <br /> assistance for the unit may continue after the execution of the grant agree- <br /> for a maximum of 30 days from the end ment may count toward the match. <br /> of the month in which the unit was va- (b) Availability to participants. Recipi- <br /> cated, unless occupied by another eligi- ents must give reasonable assurances <br /> ble person. No additional assistance that supportive services will be avail- <br /> will be paid until the unit is occupied able to participants for the entire term <br /> by another eligible person. of the rental assistance. The value of <br /> (2) As used in this paragraph (d), the the services provided to a participant, <br /> term "vacate" does not include brief however, does not have to equal the <br /> 241 <br />