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and deploy it. Reef material loaded on to the transporting vessel must be properly secured in <br /> compliance with Coast Guard standards to allow for its safe transport to the reef construction <br /> site. <br /> 3 . The GRANTEE's Project Manager shall complete the FWC Artificial Reef Cargo Manifest <br /> form to be maintained onboard the vessel at all times during transport of materials, pursuant <br /> to Chapter 370.25 , Florida Statutes . <br /> DEPLOYMENT AND MATERIAL PLACEMENT <br /> 4. During the deployment of the concrete reef material, the transport vessel must be effectively <br /> moored through double anchoring, be spudded down, or otherwise be held securely in place <br /> with minimal movement (+/-50 feet) to ensure accurate placement of the concrete patch reef <br /> on the bottom. Material must be arranged to provide habitat complexity as well as provide <br /> sand bottom forage area opportunities. Individual reef materials should not be widely <br /> scattered. Any machinery used to move and deploy the reef materials should be sufficiently <br /> powered/maneuverable and capably operated to ensure timely, effective and safe off-loading <br /> of materials. The tug or transport vessel shall meet all U. S . Coast Guard certification and <br /> safety requirements, be equipped with a working, accurate Global Positioning System (GPS) <br /> unit and other marine electronics including a working VHF radio. Effective and reliable <br /> communications shall exist at all times between the transport vessel, and the designated <br /> GRANTEE observer on site. Deployment operations will only be initiated when sea height <br /> in the operations area is no greater than two to four feet as forecast by the nearest NOAA <br /> weather office. Either the GRANTEE's observer or the subcontractor' s vessel captain <br /> reserves the right to suspend off-loading operations if positioning and other deployment <br /> objectives, including safety of personnel and equipment, are not being met. <br /> 5 . The reef material under this Agreement will be strategically placed as five separate piles. <br /> Each pile will measure approximately 90 feet wide by 35 feet long and 10 feet high. <br /> 6 . The minimum vertical clearance shall be maintained at above the highest point of the reef <br /> material (in accordance with the special conditions of the US Army Corps of Engineers <br /> permits). <br /> 7. The GRANTEE's Contract Manager shall oversee the temporary marking of the reef <br /> deployment location in advance of reef materials deployment in order to assist the <br /> subcontractor in the proper placement of the reef. The markers shall be buoys no less than 12 <br /> inches in diameter, clearly visible to the tug captain, and sufficiently anchored and with <br /> sufficient scope so that they will not drift off the designated deployment site prior to <br /> deployment. The COMMISSION will not pay for materials placed outside the permit area as <br /> described above. Precise GPS placement of marker buoys that do not shift position with time <br /> will also be important to insure the reef is constructed within the permitted area. <br /> 8 . The GRANTEE's Project Manager or GRANTEE's employee designated as an official <br /> observer shall remain on site during the entire deployment phase of the operation and <br /> confirm the GPS coordinates of the individual placements as well as the maximum vertical <br /> Page 2 of 5 , Attachment A <br />