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relief of the constructed reefs using a fathometer after the reef construction has been <br /> completed. <br /> 9. Both the GRANTEE and its subcontractor shall have on site current nautical charts of the <br /> deployment area, with the permitted site indicated on the chart. The proposed patch reef <br /> coordinates and the corner coordinates of the reef site will also be in possession of the <br /> GRANTEE's observer and the subcontractor when on site. The GRANTEE's observer shall <br /> also be in possession of a copy of the Army Corps permit for the area where the deployments <br /> are taking place. The GRANTEE shall be responsible for insuring that all permit condition <br /> terms are complied with. <br /> 10. The GRANTEE agrees to allow the COMMISSION to conduct on-site inspections of the <br /> saltwater artificial fishing reef project before, during, and after the deployment. <br /> ALLOWABLE EXPENDITURES ASSOCIATED WITH THE REEF PROJECT <br /> H . Funds from this Agreement may be expended on the activities listed pursuant to Chapter <br /> 68E-9. 004(1 )(a), F.A.C. <br /> 12 . If the GRANTEE chooses to conduct a post-deployment SCUBA assessment at each patch <br /> reef (this is not required, but is an eligible activity under Chapter 68E-9 . 004( 1 )(a), F.A.C.), in <br /> order to be eligible for reimbursement work must be completed prior to June 30, 2007 and <br /> the following items, at a minimum, must be included : <br /> a. methods: name and type of vessel, anchored or live boated, type of GPS unit(s), <br /> divers, survey methods; <br /> b . conditions : cloud cover, wind speed and direction, sea conditions, visibility, water <br /> temperature, currents; <br /> c. chronology: start and end of each dive; dive profile: dive plan , maximum depth, <br /> dive time, distance and bearing searched; <br /> d. Coordinates: Describe the GPS unit(s) used to navigate to the site (model <br /> number) . Describe whether differential, WAAS, and/or LORAN. Compare the <br /> dive locations to deployment location numbers. How well do they match the <br /> published numbers? <br /> e. Physical observations : Describe the number and size of material observed within <br /> each patch reef. What is the proximity of concrete pieces or modules to each <br /> other. What percent material was damaged or partially damaged? What is the <br /> maximum and minimum relief of the site? How do these observations compare to <br /> the Material Placement Report Form information submittal? <br /> f. Footprint area : Measure the approximate total area covered by each patch reef <br /> through standard in situ survey practices . <br /> g. Biological observations: Describe any fish observed, or other general biological <br /> observations. <br /> h. Video and photographs : Provide still and/or video footage of each of the eight <br /> patch reefs (digital format preferred when available). <br /> Page 3 of 5, Attachment A <br />