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The ENGINEER shall prepare permit sketches for submission by the COUNTY to <br /> Florida Department of Environmental Protection, U . S . Army Corps of Engineers, and St . <br /> Johns River Water Management District for Dredge and Fill activities , if necessary . The <br /> ENGINEER shall submit all permit sketches on 8" x 11 " sheets . Sketches shall be neatly <br /> scaled, signed and sealed, and reproducible . <br /> 3 . Utilities : <br /> Utility coordination with the various Utility Companies and/or agencies shall be by the <br /> ENGINEER and identified conflicts addressed . The ENGINEER will be prepared, at <br /> additional hourly rates , to survey the project site to locate and determine depth of <br /> underground utilities, in coordination with the Utility Companies . <br /> F . Signing and Pavement Markin Pg lans <br /> Signing and Pavement Marking Plans shall be consistent throughout the project limits . All signs <br /> and markings will be produced using FDOT standards . The following additional data shall be <br /> utilized for the development of the plans : <br /> 1 . FDOT standards and specifications dated 2004 shall be used in conjunction with the <br /> Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices 2003 Edition for the development of the <br /> Signing and Pavement Marking plans . <br /> 2 . Plans shall be prepared at a scale of 1 " = 40 ' with labeling similar to FDOT plans . <br /> 3 . A Key sheet, Tabulation of Quantities , General Notes, Plan sheets, Details, and Guide <br /> sign sheets shall be incorporated into the signing and pavement marking plans . <br /> 4 . Designated bike lanes with appropriate signing shall also be shown on the signing and <br /> pavement marking plans . <br /> G . Signalization Plans <br /> The Signalization Plans shall be prepared to meet FDOT and COUNTY standards . New signal <br /> equipment will be required due to the added lane widths on each approach . The following <br /> additional data shall be utilized for the development of the plans : <br /> 1 . The ENGINEER shall prepare traffic signal plans showing, in detail, the locations and <br /> pay items of all new traffic signal equipment including mast arms , signal heads, pull <br /> 10 <br />