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TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1957 tR <br />THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Indian River County, Florida, met at the <br />Courthouse in Vero Beach, Florida in a regular meeting at 9:00 o'clock A. M. January 8, 1957. <br />All members were present, being W. C. Graves, Jr., J. J. P. Hamilton, D. B. McCullers, Robert j <br />W. Graves and Donald Macdonald. Also present were E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent, <br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, Larry Yates, Deputy Sheriff and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />Commissioners MacDonald and Robert W. Graves announced they had received their <br />commissions from Tallahassee and were therefor duly qualified to serve as member's of the <br />Board of County Commissioners. <br />The Minutes of December 4th regular meeting were read and approved upon Motion <br />made by Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald and carried. <br />n <br />Reports were made by previously appointed committees and all old business was <br />taken care of. <br />a <br />It was moved by Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald and <br />carried that tile floors be placed in Judge Kanner's office upstairs and that the room also <br />be painted. <br />Upon Motion of Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and <br />carried, the bid of Paul G. Callahan for cleaning, caulking, and putting two coats of paint <br />on the outside of the windows in the Courthouse at a cost of $3.75 each per window and $5.00 <br />for each downspout was accepted and Douglas Baker, Clerk was authorized to tell Mr. Callahan <br />to proceed with the work. <br />A committee consisting of Commissioner McCullers, E. E. Carter, Road & Bridge <br />Superintendent and Douglas Baker, Clerk, was appointed relating to the painting of the Court- <br />room and the other rooms in the original courthouse building in order that Sherman N. Smith, <br />Jr., Attorney could prepare notice inviting bids on this w)rk, with the idea that it would <br />be dome on a unit basis. <br />Douglas Baker, Clerk announced that he had not been able to comply with the <br />law regarding the application of Amelia Johnson for a fortune tellers license and action was <br />then deferred until the next regular meeting during which time Mr. Baker stated that he would <br />make the examinations as provided by law. <br />Robert W. Graves, Commissioner, Douglas Baker, Clerk and E. E. Carter, Road & <br />Bridge superintendent were appointed a committee with regard to an addition to the Health <br />Center Building. <br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, advised the Board that he had recently obtained <br />the abstract on the property for the Old Folks Home. <br />Commissioner Macdonald announced he had selected C. C. Coleman to serve as a <br />member of the Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustment. <br />It was announced that Alex Ryburn could not serve as a member of the Board of <br />Adjustment for the Planning and Zoning Commissioner but Alex MacWilliam, Jr. could serve, <br />therefore, upon motion made by Commissioner Robert Graves, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald <br />and carried, Alex MacWilliam, Jr. was appointed a member of the Board of Adjustment. <br />w <br />1 <br />