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9/30/2015 8:35:33 PM
Official Documents
Official Document Type
First Amendment
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Agenda Item Number
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Carter Associates, Inc.
Amendment No.1 43rd Avenue Roadway and Drainage Improvements
43rd. Ave.
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T INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br /> L <br /> 43r`' AVENUE ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS vD c <br /> AMENDMENT NO . 1 <br /> This is an Amendment to the existing Engineering Services Agreement (AGREEMENT) dated <br /> October 7 , 2003 between Carter Associates , Inc . ( ENGINEER) and Indian River County ( COUNTY) . <br /> This Amendment addresses changes in " Section I — Project Limits and Description ", " Section III - Scope <br /> of Services " , " Section IV Time for Completion" , " Section V - Compensation " , and " Section XVI <br /> Duration of Agreement . " <br /> SECTION I - PROJECT LIMITS AND DESCRIPTION <br /> Professional services are required to revise the plans previously produced by the ENGINEER <br /> ( dated March 2004 ) to reduce the 5 - lane section to a 3 - lane section from 8 `" Street to 16'x' Street with right <br /> turn lanes at 8 "i, 12 "', and 16"' Streets , to terminate the project at the existing 5 -lane pavement width south <br /> of SR -60 ( in the vicinity of the Cumberland Farms store) , to provide mast -arm signals at the 8 `", 12 ' x , and <br /> 16 °i Street/43r" Avenue intersections , and to delete the planned improvements on 44' x' Avenue . Services <br /> include incorporating these scope changes into the project plans and modifying the necessary permits . <br /> SECTION III - SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> A . Specific Tasks <br /> Services to be provided by the ENGINEER for these proposed changes are more <br /> specifically described as follows : <br /> I . Roadway Geometry Revisions -- ENGINEER will revise the roadway plans to <br /> transition the pavement and striping to match the existing 43rd Avenue 5 - lane <br /> roadway width south of the S . R . 60 intersection . The previous design and details <br /> for 43 "' Avenue improvements through the SR60 intersection will be removed <br /> from the construction drawings . The new project limits will end where the new <br /> paving and striping transitions match the existing roadway . <br /> 2 . Typical Section Revisions ENGINEER will revise the typical pavement <br /> section from 8 ° to 16 ` ' Streets to eliminate the outside travel lanes in each <br /> direction . The conceptual ( 30% design ) drawings will include single eleven - foot <br /> wide travel lanes , three - foot wide paved shoulders , and the twelve-foot center <br /> multi -use left -turn lane . The six -foot wide sidewalks will remain on both sides , <br /> one -foot inside the limits of the typical 80 - foot ROW , and a grass strip will be <br /> provided between the sidewalks and the new backs of the curbs . <br /> 3 . 44 "' Avenue Revisions — ENGINEER will remove the 44 °i Avenue design and <br /> details from the construction drawings . The previously contracted scope of work <br /> associated with the 44 °i Avenue drainage improvements is hereby removed from <br /> the Engineering Services Agreement . <br /> 4 . Stormwater Management System Revisions The current stornnwater <br /> management ponds , pipes , and structures will be preserved as designed for the S - <br /> lane roadway . ENGINEER will add new concrete flumes , ditch bottom inlets , <br /> and pipes to convey the runoff from the revised 3 - lane roadway into the current <br /> system . The current curb inlet P -tops will be replaced with man - hole lids that <br />
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