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<br />TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1957
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, met at the
<br />Courthouse in Vero Beach, Florida in a regular meeting at 9:00 o'clock A. M., March 5, 1957.
<br />Present were J. J. P. Hamilton, D. B. McCullers, Jr., Robert W. Graves and Donald Macdonald.
<br />Absent was W. C. Graves, Jr. Also present were E. E. Carter, Superintendent of Roads,
<br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, Sam T. Joyce, Sheriff and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Robert W. Graves, seconded by Commissioner
<br />McCullers, and unanimously carried, minutes of February 5th regular meeting, February 15th
<br />special meeting, and February 25th special meeting were approved as read.
<br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, reported that he had written to the State
<br />Road Department with reference to relieving the drainage situation on Emerson Avenue, but
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<br />up till this time had received no answer from them. •
<br />Commissioner Robert W. Graves, reported that he and Mr. J. R. Holman had picked',
<br />out pictures to go in the ad in the Florida Opportunity Journal and stated they would give a
<br />good pictorial account of the county as a whole.
<br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr. reported that Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr. had gone
<br />to Fort Pierce and looked over their Old Folk's Home and the running of same. He stated
<br />this home was run by a Welfare Board and that he didn't think it would work out too well for
<br />us here, however, Fort Pierce is to send us a report of how their Home is run. When said
<br />report is received the Commissioners decided they would go into the situation more fully.
<br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr. reported that he had written to the U. S. Corp of
<br />Engineers and the U. S. Airforce requesting a conference with them with regard to obtaining
<br />several acres of land on the Beach north of Rice's pier, now owned by the U. S. Government,
<br />and that he had received word from the Airforce .they will meet with him any time. He stated
<br />that as yet he has heard nothing from the Corp of Engineers.
<br />Attorney Smith also reported that he had arranged with the Bank for a loan of
<br />$4,000.00 to be paid to the City of Sebastian, relating to the right of way agreement on U.
<br />S. #1 Highway. •
<br />The County Attorney presented to the Board the right of way contract between
<br />the.County and the State Road Department for SRD #231, Section 8801-110 (207)(151) State Road
<br />5, Indian River County, Florida, duly executed by the State Road Department. Same was ordered,
<br />filed.
<br />Forrest N. McCullers, County Agent, appeared before the Board requesting the
<br />County allow him to employ a man to rework the County's booth at the Florida State Fair and
<br />to install a Diorama in the Center of the Booth. He stated that this would cost $2,000.00
<br />if ordered now but if we waited until the fall, it would cost much more. He also stated
<br />that the $2,000.00 would not have to be paid until in next year's budget. Upon Motion made
<br />by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and unanimously carried, the
<br />Board authorized County Agent McCullers to go ahead and order the work done, and the $2,000.001:
<br />would be appropriated in next year's budget.
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