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The following additional data shall be utilized for the development of the plans: <br /> 11 . The ENGINEER will modify the existing topographic base file at the intersection of US- 1 and <br /> CR-510. The base file will also be modified along US- 1 between stations 750+00 and station <br /> 772+00 to reflect work that was removed from the FDOT RRR construction project, and now <br /> made a part of this amendment (number 2). <br /> 12. The ENGINEER will modify the existing cross-sections shown in the plans, to reflect the <br /> removal of the FDOT RRR construction project. <br /> G. Signalization Plans <br /> 5 . Additional special mast arm design is required for dual mast arm with light standards attached, <br /> as per a request for the COUNTY. There will be no approach lighting on CR-510 or SR-510; <br /> however, light standards will be included on each of the four comers of the intersection and <br /> will be attached to each of the proposed four dual mast arms. <br /> This additional lighting will also be coordinated with the upgraded lighting system and design, <br /> made a part of the CR-510 project along the north and south approaches of US- 1 . <br /> This additional effort will be listed under the Hourly Rate Components in "Section V — <br /> Compensation." <br /> H . Lighting Pg lans <br /> This section in the original agreement, dated May 17, 2005, is completely replaced with the <br /> following: <br /> The ENGINEER will not prepare roadway lighting plans and calculations for the lighting of the <br /> intersection of CR-510 and US- 1 ; however, and as requested by the COUNTY, the ENGINEER <br /> will only provide lighting, as attached to the traffic signal mast arm supports at the intersection, <br /> and due to the minor widening of the US- l roadway that was not included in the FDOT RRR, the <br /> lighting design/plans will be modified for those approaches, accordingly. <br /> The design will be in accordance with standard FDOT procedures and will meet the FDOT lighting <br /> criteria found in Chapter 2 and Chapter 25 of the FDOT 2006 Plans Preparation Manual. <br /> 4 <br />