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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:40:40 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 2:54:55 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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1 <br />Cl <br />0 <br />LJ <br />1 <br />1 <br />TUESDAX, JULY 22 1957 <br />The Board of County Commissioners o.f Indian River County, Florida, met at the Court -I <br />house in Vero Beach, Florida in a regular meeting at 9:00 o'clock A. M., July 2, 1957. All <br />members were present. Also present were Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, Edwin Schmucker, <br />Superintendent of Roads, Sam T. Joyce, Sheriff and Katherine Morrison, Secretary. <br />The Chairman asked -if there were any changes or additions to be made to the minutes. <br />There being none and upon motion made by Commissioner Robert W. Graves, seconded by Comm- <br />issioner W. C. Graves, Jr. and unanimously carried, minutes of June 4th regular meeting were <br />approved as read. <br />Feldcr.-GuhngrA, was in requesting that culverts or bridges be placed leading into some <br />property that he is going to farm off of Oslo Road between Hogan Road and Monroe Road. After <br />some discussion in the matter, the Chairman appointed Commissioner Robert Graves and Ed <br />Schmucker as a committee to look over this property and see what could be done and report back <br />to the Board. <br />The final report of the County Planning and Zoning Commission as set forth in the <br />minutes of their meeting of June 21, 1957, was received and filed, and that the Board directed <br />for publication notice of a hearing on the matters therein stated, before the Board for July <br />26th at 4 P. M. <br />Mr. Crosby of Keenansville appeared before the Board and stated that the county road) <br />on the line between Brevard County and Indian River County was in bad shape and needed some <br />marl and reworking done on same. The Board asked Ed Schmucker, Superintendent of Roads to <br />view this road with Mr. Crosby and report back to the Board what would have to be done. <br />Mr. Harald C. Hiis wrote a letter to the Board and then appeared before the Board <br />stating that he lived in Lake Park Subdivision and that the restrictions on the deeds from <br />Lake Park Subdivision set forth that no building, porch or extension of such building shall <br />be placed within 35 feet of the front line. He stated that someone was building a house 24 <br />feet from the front lot line. The Board advised Mr. Hiis that the County restrictions set <br />forth that no building or extension thereof shall be placed more than 20 feet of the front <br />Ii lot line, and since the owner of the disputed building was within the County requirements <br />`o <br />that we had no fault to find with said owner. <br />Mr. W. F. Cox of the Indian River Farms Drainage District appeared.before the Board <br />stating that he had two bills for drainage taxes due from the County on two parcels of land <br />j owned by the County. Upon Motion made by Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Donald <br />Macdonald and carried, the Board stated they would give or deed to the Drainage District a <br />20 acre plot of land now owned by the County as payment of these drainage. taxes, provided <br />this transfer would be accepted for said payment by the Drainage District, if not the the <br />County would sell this 20 acre plot by public auction and give the proceeds of said aale- <br />to the Drainage District and they accept said sale price as full payment of said drainage taxe <br />Mr. Matt Porter of the Roseland's Men's Club appeared before the Board and requested <br />speed <br />two signal lights be placed on railroad crossings in the Roseland area, and also that s <br />P <br />�dY <br />I^ <br />
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