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F"166 <br />signs be erected on the Roseland Road. The County Attorney informed Mr. Porter that the Road <br />Department did not have this item set up in its budget for this year and that the State Road <br />Department would have to make a survey and set these lights up in a later budget. Upon Motionlj <br />made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr. and unanimously <br />carried, the Board requested Sherman N. Smith, Jr. to contact the State Road Department re- <br />questing a survey for these lights and requesting they make a traffic survey of State Road _ <br />known as the Roseland Road from U. S. #1 West to the West side of the Townsite of Roseland and <br />to establish the proper speed limit regulations and post signs accordingly. <br />Mr. Robert F. Lloyd of the Lloyd Engineering firm together with Mr. Mackle and <br />I� <br />others appeared before the Board requesting the right to be able to put in 50 and 60 foot <br />streets in two new subdivisions they are planning, one in the north end of the county and the <br />other in the south end of the county. After considerable discussion in the matter and upon <br />i <br />Motion made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously z, <br />carried the Board decided to stick by the original resolution not to allow any streets under <br />i <br />70 feet wide except in extreme hardship cases unless otherwise recommended by the Superinten- <br />dent of Roads. <br />Dr. Miller, Director of the Indian River County Health Department appeared before <br />the Board requesting that certain fees be established by the Board for the issuance of Health <br />Certificates and copies of vital statistic records. Upon Motion made by Commissioner W. C. i" <br />Graves, Jr., seconded by Commissioner Robert Graves and unanimously carried, the Board upon <br />the recommendation of the Director of the County Health Department that the following fees be <br />established by the Health Department and approved by the Board of County Commissioners under <br />the authority of House Bill #1918 of the 1957 Session of the Florida Legislature: <br />1. For Certified copies of Vital Statistic records, such as birth and death certi- <br />ficates, $1.00 per copy. <br />2. For Health Certificates, $2.00 each. <br />Dr. Miller also brought up the matter of the County participating in the program <br />"Hospital Service for the Indigent1°. After considerable discussion in the matter a committee <br />consisting of Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., Mrs. Anne Christensen, County Welfare Worker, <br />Dr. Miller and Attorney Sherman N. Smith, Jr. was appointed to look further into the program <br />and talk with members of the Hospital Board and report back to this Board at a Special i <br />Meeting to be held at 7:30 P.M. July 12. It was also decided that a budget meeting would alsol <br />be held at this time. <br />Jim Landon of the Shoupe Voting Machine Company appeared before the Board with <br />regard to the'County buying at least 20 voting machines. Upon Motion made by Commissioner <br />Robert Graves, seconded by Commissioner Ma cdonald and carried the Board decided to advertise <br />for bids on voting machines and if we have the money in the 1957-58 budget to purchase at <br />least 20 voting machines. <br />1 <br />0 <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />J <br />