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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:40:41 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 3:01:58 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Mr. John Mirwald appeared before the Board and stated that his property is on the <br />right of way for South Winter Beach Road and that he would need some trees, etc. removed. <br />The Board asked Mr. Schmucker to go out and look the situation over and let the County - <br />Attorney know his findings. <br />Mr. Roy Dobeck and Tom Conte appeared before the Board and stated they had a bus- <br />iness called the '"Indian River Protective Patrol" and that in this business they needed per- <br />mission to carry pistols and would like to have two permits and that said permits would have <br />to -be granted by the Commissioners. Upon Motion made by Commissioner Robert Graves, seconded' <br />by the Board. That the Indian River County Hea lth Department be requested in the course of <br />their screening of applicants for Hospital Aid under the Medically Indigent Program, which <br />goes into effect in this County on October 1st, to submit each application to Mrs. Anne <br />Christensen, County Welfare Case Worker for her screening and approval before the County <br />Health Unit authorizes any hospitalization under this program, and that every effort be made <br />to obtain partial payments where there is ability, -'to make such partial payments. <br />by Commissioner McCullers and unanimously carried, the Board recommended the issuing of said <br />licenses provided it meets with the approval of the Sheriff. <br />0 <br />Sam Bradley appeared before the Board and requested that a certain road in Vero <br />Land Company Subdivision be abandoned,. This is a 30 foot R/W on the West boundary of the j <br />• <br />Subdivision and on the East side of the F.E.C. Railroad track. Upon motion made by Com- <br />missioner W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Commissioner Robert Graves and carried, a committee <br />consisting of Commissioner McCullers, Attorney Smith and Engineer Schmucker was appointed to <br />go into this matter and report back to the Board at the next meeting. <br />Mr. Cowan of Roseland appeared before the Board requesting that some marl be I <br />placed on the road leading to his house. After some discussion in the matter the Board asked <br />Ed Schmucker, Superintendent zf Roads to drop off a few loads of marl the next time he is <br />working in that area. <br />John Knight appeared before the Board and requested that the road by his house and <br />o <br />known as.Knight road be paved down to and past Buckingham's House. He stated he would be <br />willing to pay his share. Upon Motion made by Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by <br />Commissioner McCullers and unanimously carried the Board requested Ed Schmucker to work with <br />Mr. John Knight and find out how much it would cost to pave this road and report such find- <br />ings to the Board. <br />Mrs..Anne Christensen, County Welfare Case Worker appeared before the Board and <br />gave a report of her activities for the Month of August. Said report was ordered filed by <br />the Clerk. <br />A discussion was held about who would screen the cases for admittance to the hospita <br />under the Hospital Service to the Indigent Plan. Upon Motion made by Commissioner W. C. <br />Graves, Jr., seconded by Commissioner McCullers and carried, the following Motion was adopted <br />by the Board. That the Indian River County Hea lth Department be requested in the course of <br />their screening of applicants for Hospital Aid under the Medically Indigent Program, which <br />goes into effect in this County on October 1st, to submit each application to Mrs. Anne <br />Christensen, County Welfare Case Worker for her screening and approval before the County <br />Health Unit authorizes any hospitalization under this program, and that every effort be made <br />to obtain partial payments where there is ability, -'to make such partial payments. <br />
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