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A delegation from Dixie Gardens Subdivision appeared before the Board with regard <br />a <br />to the flooding conditions. After considerable dis cussion in the matter it was decided to <br />dig a ditch between two of the lots, put the swale ditches back like they were in the first <br />i <br />place and regrade the road. <br />!i <br />Larry Finegan, Commander of the American Legion, Felix Poppell Post #39, appeared <br />1� before the Board and stated the American Legion was looking for a permanent site for their <br />h' fairs to be held each year and they would like some of the acreage the county owns down by <br />the jail. After considerable discussion in the matter it was decided that each member would <br />!�like to look over the property and would give Mr. Finegan an answer at the special meeting <br />to be held on October 15th. <br />it Attorney Charlie Sullivan appeared before the Board with his client Mr. Fields who <br />a had purchased some property in the Graves Addition to Wabasso back in 1956 for the purpose <br />• of selling beer and wine and had been delayed in starting said business. Mr. Sullivan re- <br />quested that the Resolution passed by the Board of County Commissioners at its meeting of <br />February 5, 1957 prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverage in all of Graves Addition to <br />Wabasso be repealed or at least amended so that his client Mr. Fields be allowed to operate <br />,j <br />a bar for the sale of beer and wine. After considerable discussion by the Board it was <br />h decided to let the resolution stand as is. <br />Mr. Schmucker presented to the Board a tentative plat of Hickory Sands Subdivision <br />for tentative approval by the Board. Upon motion made by Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., <br />seconded by Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, the Board gave tentative approval <br />to the Plat of Hickory Sands Subdivision. <br />'i <br />Mr. Redish appeared before the Board and requested that the County obtain the nec- <br />essary rights of way to widen 6th Avenue between 10th and 12th Street. He stated he would <br />give the right of way and thought most of the others would. Upon Motion made by Commissioner <br />McCullers, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald and carried, the Board authorized the Attorney <br />to obtain the deeds and the Engineer to then widen the road. <br />• ° Mr. Levine presented the yearly report of the Florida Forest Service for Indian <br />i <br />River County, said report was ordered filed by the Clerk. <br />A <br />Mr. Heasley of the Lincoln National Life Insurance Company appeared before the <br />u, Board and presented a plan for Hospitalization insurance. Two representatives of the Blue Cm <br />Blue Shield Hospitalization Plan were also present and explained their plan. After some <br />h discussion in the matter, a committee consisting of Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr. and <br />Robert Graves was appointed to look into the two plans and report back to the Board. <br />I <br />Mrs. Anne Christensen, County Welfare Case Worker appeared before the Board and <br />gave a report of her activities for the Month of September, said report was ordered filed <br />by the Clerk. <br />Mrs. Christensen stated they were having a meeting of County Welfare Workers in <br />Fort Lauderdale on October 8th and requested permission to attend. Upon Motion made by <br />Commissioner W: C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, <br />permission was granted Mrs. Christensen to attend this meeting. <br />Is, <br />