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E <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />E <br />RESOLUTION -- Sale of Property in Oslo <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Commissioner Mc - <br />Cullers and unahimously carried the following Resolution was adopted: <br />WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore determined that it is to the best interest of <br />the County to sell and convey the property hereinafter described; and <br />WHEREAS, notice thereof was published once a week for at least two weeks, to -wit: <br />October 17 and 24, 1957 in the Vero Beach Press Journal, a newspaper of general circulation <br />published in this County calling for bids for the purchase of the property hereinafter <br />described as will more fully appear by proof of publication of said Notice filed in the <br />of said County; and <br />WHEREAS, sealed bids were received and publicly opened and it has been determined <br />that the bid of the person hereinafter named was the highest bid and the County having deter- <br />mined that said property is not needed for County purposes and that said bid is a fair and <br />reasonable price and should be accepted, NOW, THEREFORE: <br />BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida,) <br />that this Board does herewith accept the bid of Sixty-five Hundred Fifty -Five for a total sum <br />of $6,555.00 to be paid to the County for the purchase of the following described property <br />situated in Indian River County, Florida, to -wit: <br />and, <br />The West half of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section <br />25, Township 33 South, Range 39 East, comprising approximately 20 acres. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tha t upon receipt by the Clerk of the purchase price, a <br />Deed of Conveyance of said lands to said purchaser shall be made, executed and delivered. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Robert Graves, seconded by Commissioner McCullers <br />and unanimously carried, the Board agreed that the County pay to the Indian River Farms <br />Drainage District the total sum of $6,555.00 for settlement in full of County Drainage Tistric <br />taxes owing on county lands described as follows: <br />1. The SW2 of the SE2 less 400 feet, Sec. 2, Twp. 33, Rge. 39. <br />2. The West 2 of the NEk of Sec. 11, Twp. 33, Rge. 39. <br />and that the Clerk be directed to make this payment and secure receipts in full for these taxes <br />and the Clerk be further requested to give the Drainage District a list of all County owned <br />lands owned, held and used by the County for public use and purposes with the request that <br />the Drainage District exempt these lands from drainage District taxes. <br />A committee consisting of Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., County. Attorney, Sherman <br />N. Smith, Jr., and Representative Buck Vocelle, was appointed to study the tax problem. <br />Sheriff Sam Joyce appeared before the Board and asked that the County pay maint <br />bills for the jail. Upon Motion made by Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Comm- <br />issioner Macdonald and carried, the Board authorized the payment by the County of all main- <br />tenance bills for the jail. <br />