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144 <br />TUESDAY, JAWU.ARY 3rd, 1928. <br />At <br />a regular meeting <br />of the Board of County Commissioners nIdnd <br />for Indian River <br />County <br />Florida, begun and <br />held at 10 o'clock A.M.Tuesday, January 3rd <br />1928,the follow- <br />ing members of the Board were present: John H.Atkin, Chairman; Geo.A.Braddock; J.T. <br />TABruce; J.J.P.Hamilton and O.O.Helseth. Also present were Miles Warren, Clerk and <br />J .V1' . gni ght , She riff . <br />The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. <br />M.B.Iffillians, by his attorney, appeared beforenthe Board and requested reimburse- <br />ment of $60.00 for destruction of crop by reason of road being opened up through the <br />place he was renting. It was ordered that $30.00 be paid fir Williams out of the Road <br />& Bridge fund, for right-of-way and loss sustained. <br />Mr J.1k.Stinson appeared before the Board regarding road from the .F.E.C.tracks, <br />west to his place. It was ordered that the County Engineer put this road in passable, <br />condition within the next 30 days. <br />W.T.Gibson, representing the Florida Road Oiling Company, Inc., appeared before <br />the Board and stated that his company wished to assign the contract for road oiling <br />heretofore entered into with the County to A.O.Greynolds Co. Inc.5, thereupon Com'r. <br />Hamilton moved that such assignment be approved and final settlement be made with <br />said Florida Road Oiling Co., Inc. upon the filing with the Board and the approval <br />thereof of a proper bond by the assignee for the completion of said contract, and up <br />the approval of the County attorney of all legal" matters pertaining thereto. This <br />motion was seconded by Commissioner Braddock and unanimously adopted. <br />CONSOLIDATION OF JUSTICE OF PEACE DISTRICTS <br />NOS. 4 -- 5 and 6 <br />The following resolution was offered by Commissioner J.J.P.Hamilton: <br />WHEREAS, it appears that there is. no Justice of the Peace elected, qual ifi <br />-or commissioned or acting in either the Fourth or Sixth Justice of the Peace Distric <br />of said <br />County as <br />defined and <br />established by this Board under order adopted, July 21 <br />1925 and <br />of record <br />at page 17 <br />of these minutes, and <br />VIHEREAS, it appears that it is for the best interest of the County that <br />this situation be remedied; <br />THEREFORE be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, that there is no Justice of the Peace elected, qualified or commissiohec <br />or acting in either the Fourth or Sixth Justice of the Peace Districts of Indian <br />River County, and it appearing that the best interest of the County requires that <br />this situation be remedied.- <br />BE <br />emedied: <br />BE IT THEIE FORE ordered that the territory of said County be retof ore <br />created as the Fourth Justice District and described as follows: Beginning at the <br />North-west corner of Township 32 South, Range 35 East; "thLinse East along the Township <br />A <br />line to the North-east corner of Township 32 South, Range "35 East; thence South to the <br />South-east corner of Section 1, Township 32 South Range 35 East; thence East to the <br />South-west corner of Section 6- Township 32 South, ReAge 38 East; thence continue <br />East along rection lines td- South-east corner of Section 1, Township 32 South, Range <br />38 East; "thence North to -the North-west corner of Township -32 South, Range 39 East; <br />thence East do the Township line to the ?atlantic Ocean; thence in a Southerly"direc- <br />tion along the .atlantic shore line to the South line of Section 29, Township 32 South, <br />Range 40 East; thence TTest along the zection lines to the Range line between Ranges <br />r <br />35 and 36 East; thence North to the North-east comer of }ection 25 Township 32 .south, <br />Range 55 East; thence Vest along Section lines to the Vest' line of Township 32,South, <br />0 <br />